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About CAM860

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  1. Thank you for the help... Anyway out of some sort of luck I looked on ebay again and found a single 2nd hand genuine one
  2. I have bought various fpv copies from twisties to a couple sets of argents over the years from various wheel companys off of ebay and been generally happy, but my dad has a bf r spec with the 19" twisties and has cracked a rim in a pothole, I told him to ring ftg and he rang a couple other places too but no luck and rather than buying another costly genuine rim I said to put the spare genuine on the car and just get a copy to have as the spare (as I know the copies arent exactly the same color). Im pretty much asking if anyone knows of any of the aftermarket sellers that do a good copy. also the factory centre caps do not fit the copies right? not that it really matters being a spare but my dad is pretty particular... and some of the sets ive bought in the past either have no badge on the centre cap or just a sticker.
  3. buying some land, and im not really liking having to take it out to work when it rains, wish I could keep it, but I keep telling myself oneday there will be bigger and better car projects
  4. an xr6 turbo, fools lots of people though!
  5. thanks guys, yeah itd be an absolute steal for someone wanting all this has to offer. a few interested but no one comming up with the coin yet
  6. Unfortunately FOR SALE http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.php?app=classifieds&module=classifieds&section=classifieds&showad=639&do=view&lid=639
  7. My ute is for sale if anyone is interested

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  8. just un-do all the following in order, -The oil and coolant feed lines, the ones on the top of turbo, coolant will come out as it is lower than the header tank (remember to top up when your finished obviously) -get underneath and un-do the oil return line from when it joins to the block (2 bolts), un-do the coolant return line aswell. -Un-do the 2 little hose clamps comming from the turbo on the boost control hoses. -Un-do the bolts or nuts at the back of the turbo to the dump pipe. -Un-do the bolts joining the manifold to the engine. and that should be it, ya cant go wrong, the only thing that will leak is the coolant, which you just clean up and top up when your done. oh and obviously you have to un-do the intake and intercooler pipe out of the turbo to start with too!
  9. ive done it a few times to my fg, I believe the fg's have a different manifold design the the b series, but it was easier to remove the manifold, as when putting it back together it is easier getting the turbo to manifold nuts done up tighter if its not sitting in the engine bay.
  10. check the bolts around the centre of the turbo, you will need to take the heat shield off for this and it might be quite difficult to get the lower ones, mine had a ticking sort of sound for a while and then it ended up being a sound like a tractor, and I pulled the turbo off and found one of these little bolts had worked itself loose and fell out eventually. probably not the problem, but worth a look anyway as its a common problem.
  11. ah sorry guys, havent been on here in a while, yeah its an upgraded compressor wheel to the f6 spec and its got a larger compressor cover (.7) I got mine done for a redicously cheap price. and 6boost / forced performance and tuning made the 4" pipe that connects the larger turbo intake to the standard cross over pipe, did a very good job and it retains the stock look. oh and no havent done valve springs, would probably be advisable though, but alot of things are advisable like tail shaft upgrade, trans upgrade...
  12. seems to be more utes comming out with the mods on here over the sedans
  13. try the link, but here.. ‎09 FG XR6 Turbo - 6 speed automatic, Growler cold air induction, upgraded compressor wheel and .7 compressor cover,Siemens dekka injectors, Process West surge tank and 044 fuel pump, Process West stage 2 version 2 intercooler and pipe kit,... and recently added a Forced Performance & Tuning split dump pipe and 5" cat and Jamie's SCT tune clearing 400rwkw. Future mods include replacing the standard exhaust and mufflers with a 4" system and possibly and 2nd 044 fuel pump on the surge tank.
  14. just the dump pipe jamie made, the tune isnt quite finished yet, we ran out of time the other night. ill post a link to his new buisness facebook page, its got a detailed list there. jamie (forcefed6) tuned bradens green fg and is currently doing karls. Incompatible Browser | Facebook
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