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  1. for fronts, rears and full boot install was about $2500 and the equipment was bout the same... yeah I agree with the under shelf cover being the non sub 1 but he didnt want to change it...
  2. hi guys just a few pics of an fg gt that came through our shop recently enjoy!!!
  3. spotted light blue xr6 turbo leaving westside car audio in cannington...
  4. so the issues just got worse car wont rev past 3000rpm in all gears now... plus the fact that the underside pannel decided to detatch itself witch also took the front bumper off... so with everything that went wrong in those few minutes has got me thinking about selling the turbo, paying out the loan n gettin an el falcon!!!
  5. cheers for all your help guys, been thinkin bout wen the issue started n it was bout the same time I put the cooler on... so at the moment the car goes in april for a manta 3" exhaust turbo back flash tune then a run on the dyno to c how everything goes!!!
  6. hey guys got some issues with my 03 xr6t 4spd auto... current mods are after-market fmic (1) pull up to a set of lights car gets a rough idle and 9 times outta 10 it stalls and wont start easily... (2) 3rd gear car wont rev past 4250rpm (starts to spit n sputter) (3)zero power compaired to my dads xr6t (100% stock) any help would be greatly appreciated
  7. where r the cross overs??? try moving them n c how that goes
  8. yeah falcons r pretty easy we usally allow 6 to 9 hrs to install deck , splits, rear coax, 4 channel amp, mono and subs in a box to fit up on the hump... as for the acc wire you can get it from the 12v outlet of from the white plug next to the fuse box... have a go take plenty of pics n if you get stuck im sure 1 of us will be able to assist you!!!
  9. I got my xr6 t in aug 07 with 129000 on it n just hit 138000
  10. yeah and you get to keep all your old wheel weights
  11. yeah I got to city west n had to drive through the underground carpark 20 mins later I was on the freeway, I wish I took my t last nite!!! nothin special at kings park cops followed every1 there n parked up at 1 of the exits!!!
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