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Everything posted by jasol

  1. ive attached a pic you can see the houseing at the front right hand side of the motor
  2. if you follow the top radiator hose back towards the motor the thermostat is under the cast alloy houseing think ther 2x12mm bolts and presto there it is
  3. IMO the exhaust is too big hence the power loss and the crap sound, a simple 2.5" mandrel system single system would be the go
  4. you can check the thermostat by removeing it and putting it in a saucepan on the stove and watch to see if it opens as the water gets hot, as for cracked head or blown head gasket a few signs are bubbleing in the overflow, excess condensation in the exhaust, milky oil, might be an idea to get the radiator flushed/checked were was the needle sitting on the gauge?
  5. when I looked into a kaaz I was told they need the oil changed much more frequent and the oil is alot more expensive, this is something to think about if you do plenty of kms
  6. ebay is your friend seimens deka 60s brand new off ebay $288 walbro brand new off ebay $150 hdi intercooler brand new off ebay $550 second hand capa flash box $400 fitted the cooler myself $0 took it to bruce heinrich performance tuneing they -fitted supplied pump -fitted supplied injectors -supplied and fitted larger actuator -removed the cat and gutted it -custom tune total $1200 so in total I have spent $2588 mine is a bf with a zf so I didnt really need to worrie about gearbox issues or valve springs its all about being patiant dont go out and spend top dollar and get everything in a week, I hunted around for over 3 months to get all my gear the result a nice 317@14 psi
  7. 2500 got me from stock to 317kw, you just have to shop around
  8. I got mine from a seller on ebay called performanceworld, mine came in a big VDO box and were all in indervidual VDO packageing with the corect deka part number on the actual injector so im prittty sure they were genuine, also brought my walbro from the which was the same deal http://shop.ebay.com.au/performanceworld1/...6&_osacat=0
  9. processwests stge1 will use all the factory pipeing the rest use a new cold side like civilian was saying, the standard x over is good low to mid 300s so you wont need to worries about that, as a guide from dead stock it cost me $2500 to get to 317kw
  10. fg must be pritty differant to the b series mine took 5mins and no cutting
  11. ill have to speak to bruce to see what he will charge most qoutes ive had are 700 give or take that's for the genuine oil, yea its awsome quicker than I thort, I put a thread up in the 300kw club but it hasnt gone up yet? the engine light came on but I rang scott and he said its just coz the very high flow cat so ill get it fixed up monday, when I 1st left htp the 1st tiny squirt I did it must have blown the I/c off the xover and it was makeing all the noises but not going anywere lol wasnt till I pulled over I realised it, did it again 10mins ago but think ive sorted it now. damm I cant imaging a ute with another 100kw more than mine that thing would be a handfull lol
  12. hay adrian bruce was telling me u changed the oil in your zf with a non genuine oil and it played up? I spoke to mv automatics and they said I could use a penrite oil to save a few$$$ but I have to supplie it so id say if anything went wrong they wouldnt be at fault. wered u get urs done? hows your ute? got it back? got mine today made 317 bruce said he could have made more but 3rd gear wasnt changeing aswell as it should(I never noticed it) so that's why im pritty keen to get the oil changed
  13. im not talking about a gain im talking about back to back dyno runs ie my car has 317kw it made that the 1st run, then slightly less then just over 300 on the 3rd run, the monza cooler suffers from this bad, a good qulity cooler will loose bugger all to non after a few runs, doesnt really bother me as I only give mine a squirt here and there so doesnt affect me
  14. just abit of feedback on the hdi kit I had my ute tuned today my tuner recons it did drop about 10kw between runs he had another ute with 411kw with an avo kit it only droped 1kw over 3 runs
  15. been waiting along time to post in here the day has finally come, droped my ute in at heinrich performance tuneing 2 days ago and it came out with a nice 317 @ 14psi bruces dyno wasnt working in shootout mode as it need some kind of sensor so it proberly would have read abit higher in shootout, im happy with 317 pulls soooooo hard traction is quit an issue mods- deka 60s walbro hdi cooler typhoon intake/pod in box actuator custom tune dont have the printout atm as the printer was out of ink will post it up next week
  16. considering I emailed him the day before payment was made to make sure they had em, and another member got the exact story I did 2 months erlyer same with a few others in between must mave been a pritty average fork lift driver
  17. nothing wrong with the kit, just the service afterwards from justin and paul, things were missing, instructions are useless(especially if you have a bf) the whole shipping from hong kong, there were quit a few issues I raised I wont go into, was very unimpressed with justins responses/excuses, but hay the kits on now it seams to work I just wouldnt go back to hdi again. yes they are great bang for the buck but I think the service should be there too still, as I said before id buy from chris if I were to do it again his service is 110%
  18. proberly about 3 weeks, the day before I brought mine I made sure they had em in stock before paying and they said they did then week later was told the pallet was damaged and I was getting one direct from hong kong that took 3 weeks, funny thing though it has seamed to happen to everyone whos brought one from performance wise, one bloke 2 months ago same excuse lol, maybe try another supplier, also dont expect performance wise or HDI to bend over backwards for you well after the sale anyways, was pritty disapointed from both the HDI factory and performance wise, if I were to do it again think id choose one of chris's kits just for this fact, but that's just my 2c
  19. I have not had an issue with my hdi kit yet but I havent given it sh*t and wont untill its tuned
  20. these are bogas, just trick the car into thinkin its cold all the time ull use stacks more fuel, I wouldnt even put it on a 500 charade let alone a 20k+ xr6t
  21. love it mate, I did the same with my old wrx it completely changed the car, its great you get a new look without breaking the budget
  22. mine did this within a day of fitting it, sent it back and got a replacement, I didnt see the filter in the box so didnt use it I think that was the cause, I think that stepper box is very sesitive I recon some crap has gotten thru the filter. my new one has been fine 2 months +
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