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Everything posted by jasol

  1. dont think they make that type anymore the I have the new design FYI there made by hybrid(HDI)
  2. nice mate, how much power is she makeing? what did you pick it up for?
  3. very nice indeed. another nice xr on ebay - http://cgi.ebay.com.au/xr6-turbo-ba-gt-bf-gt-fpv_W0QQitemZ270455023278QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Car_Parts_Accessories?hash=item3ef86026ae&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 the GT-P sticker on the boot lets it down a bit though
  4. go for it, my mate just sold his xt for 9k, had over 300k on it driven hard too, if you didnt look at the odometer ud have never know it had high kms still drove nice
  5. a 2nd hand genuine bar from a wrecker wont be cheap, a fibreglass one would be much more cheaper, as for the buldge if you like em then get one who care what other think its your car
  6. cooler,fuel pump,injectors,cat,cat back,tune and typhoon intake
  7. hay all, thought id post up some pics of my ute,l doesnt look much but I like to be stealth these days, has the usally mods giveing it a healthy 317rwkw besides power I havent done alot lowered the arse 25mm, debadged it, painted the grill, egr hard lid and added some gauges, ipod kit and a sub
  8. I had 38psi all round on good rubber(toyo proxe 4s) and traction was a big issue, my tune is pritty agressive and I found it spinning in 2nd and 3rd quit easy, I tried 34 in the rear was a bit better, now I have 32 in the rear and traction is much better, still handles good, I know they will not last as long but id be lucky to do 15k a year
  9. just wondering what pessure ppl with decent power are running in the rear tyres?
  10. hmm doesnt seam right to me, you have a free flowing intercooler and exhaust so that higher boost level should not be needed, I still have the standard x over and dump pipe and mine is makeing 317@14 psi, as for the auto it would not physically hold you back, they could have ment so you dont blow it but youve had it all strenghtend
  11. haha no worries I only reconised it was urs coz the plates, just going to leave it for now, love haveing 300+ in a car no one would know had it, cops dont look twice either, your rapid cooler looked trick with the bumper off, how does urs go on the street? pritty loose? I recon I might try fatter tyres maybe some 265's and some new rear shocks to try get some more traction
  12. oh nice car btw, was that some dvd screens you were fiddling with monday?
  13. yea man there heaps differant, at 100km/h mines at 110kw and urs is almost 225kw. are they in the same mode? as the numbers up the side/bottom are differant sheet to sheet, that's what I mean by these ones are harder to understand, theres bugger all info on em torque,boost,a/f etc. maybe my power does kick in later, I was driveing it today and in 2nd it had traction but at about 4k it spins quit alot lol, it will even do it in 3rd in higher revs depending on the road whats urs like?
  14. if the guts have gone, it will be a bit louder and have a hollow type note to it, worse when the cars cold, your engine emmisions light may come on esspecially if its a bf, but only real way is to phisically check it unless you can get an emmision type tester
  15. I finally got my dyno sheet monday, they must have lost my 317kw sheet on the computer. as it looks like this was a very quick single power run done monday when I took it there to sort out the engine light not when it was tuned, no boost or air fuel hooked up which is what I was more after, but it will give you an idea of my tune. going by others mine seams pritty aggressive? is it? im hopeless at reading them. going to go along a wrx dyno day soon at graham wests they have a mainline dyno, I think there much better to read/better and more info than HPT's dyno
  16. yes that would be ok, but I cant imagine it looking any good, as they dont use paint, its coloured rubber hence why they take out about 1mm then fill it with coloured rubber, as said above this is illegal im basically all states, it weakens the tyre apart from it being illegal im sure it would void any insurance as your not running proper load rated tyres, I haved done it with a fat white perminant marker works ok if the tyre doesnt have much writeing etc on the walls, looks good from a distance, but im talking old crappers not anything like a xr6
  17. 13k is dam cheap for a modded ba, you canont expect it to be perfect, but I feel your frustration, been there before, but they should work it out after all they are the experts
  18. I used the gromit above the brake pedal
  19. mines under the dash, gauge works fine, my mate put his under the bonnet, looks crap and I couldnt see the heat doing it good, stick it inside, my vac line is only about a metre or so bugger all
  20. yea im ganna leave mine alone, it works fine, spoke to wayne phillis they said they could do it but it really shouldnt need it, also have a mate that works at another ford, and he said the same, for ford not to try get $$$$ outa me it makes me think lol, my mate said the same adrian hes seen a few play up after ppl have had a fiddle with oil changes etc
  21. you can have your brand new ford serviced @ any qulified mechanic and it will not voild your warrentie, you only need to have ford service it for the first 1 or 2 services, all our fleet vehicles are servised in house and we have had a few warrentie claims no worries. you dont need to keep going back to ford
  22. that's a good price mate that's a bit of prep/painting. cant see why he needed to do the tailgate though
  23. think the input shafts are differant but dont qoute me
  24. you were right, thanks for the, all sorted now
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