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Everything posted by jasol

  1. Hi guys got a bf 2 xr6t zf box. When it's cold and I'm driving at a steady pace, seams a little worse whilst going up slight hills. It flares. It will hover between 2000-2200 rpm. What could be the cause? Doesn't seam to happen once at operation temp
  2. Hi all. Got a puncher the other day the tyre shop put a new tyre on. I already had new tyres all round but it's a differant brand. Now the stability light comes on a lot easier. I don't drive my car to hard so I never really noticed it coming on but now it does it a lot. Will fitting another of the same tyre as the new one to the rear solve this issue? Please help
  3. Brought 2 kits off eBay but having issues with them, and no after sales service. Can someone recommend a seller that sells good kits and will back them if there's a problem
  4. Hi all going to replace my brakes, looked on YouTube abit. From my understanding jack car up, remove wheels, undo 2 caliper bolts and remove calipers, pull old disks off, slide new ones on, use a brake splitter to spead the pistons fit new pads then re fit calipers then bingo?? Was thinking I might need to siphen some brake fluid to allow for new pads and disks? Any help really appreciated
  5. Ok well I just put a tabk in. Won't do that again then. Can I just get it tuned with e85? I didn't really want to do anymore mods at this stage
  6. I've been doing a lot of reading on e85 but getting a little confused with all the replies. Is it ok to run eflex in a standard xr6t? I'm looking to have a custom tune done soonish and not sure wether or not to do it on the eflex
  7. Hi all Just wondering how many kw 42lb injectors can handle?
  8. Ill do that then cheers, ill be sitting around that mark too
  9. Do you think ill need to chop the bump stops at all? Rears are kings sssl springs. Going by what the rep said it should measure. It's not going to lower it hugely maybe 20-30mm max
  10. Thanks mate. Ill give it ago over the weekend. Will do, got compressors. Learnt the hard way when I was 14 pulling some datto struts apart. Back then I didn't know much so didn't realize the pressure they where under. I have never seen a car part fly from one side of the shed to the other Touch wood nothing hit me
  11. Was reading the thread about fitting new shocks/springs but it didn't mention needing a rattle gun to get the top hat nut off. I've had to use a gun on a few cars. Are these different ?
  12. Been getting the click / popping noise from the drivers rear when when I put a bit of load down. It will always do it if I go from drive to reverse with the brake on and apply a little throttle it makes the noise On closer inspection I've narrowed the sound to be coming from the shock area and it's making the noise as the shock goes up and down The suspension is all standard. All help appreciated Cheers
  13. Is there a setting that might be on? It just seams to Eco abit to me. Doesn't sound all that great. Better than a factory falcon though
  14. That looks good. I just measured mine I'm getting Passenger rear 355mm Drivers rear 345mm Passengers front 365 Drivers front 350mm And king springs are saying there's will sit at 350 all round. Mine still has standard springs
  15. Looking to buy KFFL-53SL KFRL-68SSL king springs for my bf2 kings have said this is the LOWEST springs they do and the car will sit 35m htg.back and front. Anyone got any pics of this combo? Was hoping for a little lower
  16. Can we keep it serious fellas?? It was a genuine question
  17. Just a waste of money. Most jap panel filters like blitz etc are still paper
  18. Thank you ratter I wasn't sure if the factory filters would be still good for the 300 mark so just wanted to clear that up. Most cars will flow fine with an OEM filter unless there pretty heavily modified
  19. Anyone using the ford kit??
  20. Instead of the f6 snorkel has anyone played around making or rigging up something themselves? Would be a good wallet saver and weekend job with some satisfaction
  21. That's a good price senna. I've been in contact with kings them self to find out what there lowest springs are. He said I need to measure my front strut so doing that tonight. Might just settle on sssl/ssl combo
  22. Thanks heaps mate. Mine has the 18" rims I think yours would have come with going with those grey inserts yours has. There very rashed so was thinking of fixing them and doing them gloss black for something differant
  23. Hi all have a octane orange bf looking to do my rims grey or black if anyone has a similar set up to give me an idea that would be awesome. Cheers
  24. You would hope not. What do kings usually sell for? I seen autobahn had them on special for 160 a pair but that's just one straight from the catalogue. What combo are people commonly using? Thanks for any advice
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