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Everything posted by jasol

  1. impressive time mate that's quick. what mods? mine gets tuned in 2 days cant wait
  2. id be hasseling ford to do it all mate, that way you have covered your arse, if you change the oil and dont use the genuine oil they wont touch it FYI a service with genuine oil is $700 give or take
  3. hopeing for 300kw, proberly more of a smoother tune as I drive it everyday, im pritty sure hes putting 2 tunes on so maybe ill get a nice smooth one for daily and a wild one for fun, I really like your cooler pipeing still looks pritty factory but obviously still is good for big power
  4. yea cant wait, quickest car ive been in was a 220rwkw vx ss, so im sure ill be stoked with it
  5. should be a weapon, may I ask why the change in tuner? yea I was gana do my acutator myself but after your post and speaking to a few other workshops I soon realised paying the little extra to get it done by my tuner was the easyesy way
  6. yea I bet it is, mines slightly more noticeable with the hdi but I havnt opened it up wait to its tuned, so whats the plans with urs? seen your selling some of your gear to upgrade. what power are you level you looking to get? it will be good to see how the hdi goes with a bit more power put thru it
  7. yea I spoke to scott today, that will be a weapon in a ute, what treat are you running on the rear?
  8. yea I dont see many, hurd on the grapevine your ute was in the 400s
  9. yea I was I abit pissed it only came with 1 of em, I already broke one of the cheapo ones by over tightning it, I recon ill replace em with the same as the one on the xover yea I went to HPT coz one of my mates I went to school works there and said bruce is really good plus they have me a good price knowing scott, cant wait till its done those 100+ kws are ganna be fun, catch ya one the cruise. redback- that looks good, what UBP did you get? id love to have got rid off the x-over but mine is going to as standard as possible + I thing 300kw in a ute should be anouf I hope haha
  10. ooops the pic on the very right was before I fiited it didnt mean to upload that one
  11. fitted my hdi kit up today wasnt to bad but those instructions are useless
  12. I fitted up the hdi cooler today then bruce is fitting dekas,walbro, modifying the cat, fitting a larger actuator and a tune
  13. I have toyo proxe 4s on mine there quit a good tyre, not cheap though for memory about 330-350ea
  14. should be good, keep us posted, mine goes in there thursday
  15. nar left it dirty the extra grit gives a better cut haha
  16. it proberly would make more power as it would over boost a little and be flowing alot more, I wouldnt have thort 30kw though but who knows, if I remomber corectly every extra psi = 10hp dont qoute me on that one though
  17. mate just have a look at bellow threads theres heaps of info on these, the search button is your friend IMO there an excellent cooler at a extremely good price
  18. seen your ute on the dyno yesterday. howd it turn out?
  19. thanks for the imput redback, ive spoken to bruce and im going to get him to supply and fit one he is doing it for a good price
  20. yea as I said I only need to drive it to the tuner its 20kms away, I wouldnt be giveing it a hard time anyways as it will have the cooler fitted and there could be an issue there with over boost if boosting, so id just drive mormal to avoid that
  21. yea I spoke to them they said a 12psi one is needed, it was going to cost a fair bit to fit hence the reason I wanted to see if I could fit it myself whist I have all the car apart doing the cooler and plugs and save a few hungie, so does anyone know if its ok to drive to the tuners with a 12psi actuator fitted on a standard tune?
  22. I didnt think the bf's needed em, awsum power mate. what cooler did you use? you still running the standard dump?
  23. I lowered ther rear of my ute 25mm and left the front standard, it evened it out nicely, my ute is a daily I dont wanna have to be worrieing about scraping or hitting curbs etc plus its still pritty smooth, there rough as when you dump em
  24. by machine mate, a veraible speed polisher
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