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About Rancidpunx

  • Birthday 11/11/1983

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    In my Cabin Outside Brisbane.
  • Member Title
    Brisbanes Resident Detailer

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  1. Happy Birthday Rancidpunx!

  2. Happy Birthday Rancidpunx!

  3. I had 2 nw shifters under warranty for the same thing. The second I was actually out of warranty period by a few months. Even the third one let go after I sold the car as I saw it at my local Ford a few weeks later. You just have to firm with them and make sure they understand you are not happy and a new shifter under warranty is the only way to fix that. Dont let them give you the old "Interior Trim is not covered" it happens to just about every manual car at some point and is clearly a manufacturing fault or poorly designed part. I am extremely fussy with my cars and would look after them better than most and this type of thing still happens.
  4. Happy Birthday Rancidpunx!

  5. I may be slightly bias but if the GTS is that good, write up a comparrison selling the GTS. Dont hang sh*t on the Ford making the GTS just better in comparrison. Also doing it in the wet is less than ideal and as he said, the GT was not driven to its full potential.and in the drag race clearly hits the brakes. There is a far better more neutral comparrion between the GTS and a AMG. Funnily alot of the GTS faults in that video are the Pros in this video. I am sure the GTS will be a great car. Essentially whats not to like, massive SC V8, massive brakes, heaps of tech and adjustable suspesion, it just wears the wrong badge. Its a new generation model with a heap of money thrown at the whole develpment whereas the GT is the last of the FGs already on a shoestring and is close to making way for a new model. For me though it has not lived up to the hype surrounding its release. None of the reviews have matched HSVs "claimed" figures which in themselves were a little average after they were talking the car up. 4.4s to 100 is not comfortably faster the 4.5s like they were quoting. These cars on the numbers (apart from price, my GT was $72k) are going to be much closer to each other than HSV would like. They have after all shunned FPV and discarded them as a rival. Although it is just another figure, Wheels tested the Rspec with a 4.5s sprint to 100 and a 1/4mile of 12.6s. When they tested the GTS its was slower across both. Bragging rights still remain with the RSpec for now. Unfortunately that's about it.
  6. Aaronm, that green bit is the stock shifter. In fact everything you see in that picture is how the shifter is sold. you can just buy the leather boot, or the knob, you have to buy the whole lot at $500. I fought Ford for a while to have it replaced as the leather wrap came loose and span around the knob. I was out of warranty by a few months, but still just sh*t quality and they want $500. The green bolts face the ICC and bolts up to the short throw.
  7. Correct, ASL do not offer a Sat Nav for the FG2. From what I can see the Top half of the ICC unit (the screen) is locked and has Sat Nav as part of the hardware. There is no sat nav unit located behind the glovebox anymore. The short of it is that the only way to get Nav is to swap te screen part of the unit over. Fortunately it is plug and play, no need to visit Ford for them to configure it for your vehicle. Unless someone whats to start playing around with the Screen and hack it, its unlikely to be useable for anything else.
  8. My ute used to creak in the rear at slow speeds. Turned out to be the tailgate moving slightly.
  9. I would also like to know a little about the new ICC's. Are there 2 ICC systems, one with Nav another without? Surely not I would think. If not how are ford adding nav.
  10. This picture on the front cover is a photoshopped Taurus with some stripes and GT wheels. Not even very creative.
  11. Mustang will be built from the factory as RHD. It WILL NOT be bought in as LHD and converted like the failed attempted by FTE a decade ago. Ford have already confirmed factory RHD versions for the UK and its a given we will get it as well due to the One Ford policies and the confirmed 30% increase in models that will be on sale. Its likely to have 4,6 and 8 cylinder options. I think Ford will put a silly price on it unforuntately. It wont be $100k though. A 4cyl ecoboost could be as little as 32-35k. They would be stupid to put more than $50k on the V8 GT, but I could see Ford rubbing their hands together and asking up to $80k with lower models also marked up. There wont be any expensive conversions to push the price up with them rolling down the production line with the steering wheel already on the right side. I just hope they dont get greedy considering the prices in the states, im not holding my breathe though. I hope we see a GT500 at some point as well with a sensible price tag.
  12. FPV already stated that the current firewall will not hold any further power upgrades. Prodrive were working on an intercooled Miami before the Ford handover but couldnt use it without doing firewall strengthening mods. Remember nothing has been confirmed about the future of FPV, F6, GS and the GT. Could be that Ford just discontinue FPV sooner rather than later to avoid putting any further money on the line that just wont be recouped. Realistically how many FPVs will be sold before the doors close?
  13. If the marks are down to the metel it wont buff out. You can only polish the clear coat layer of the paint. If the flaps rub through that, its going to need new paint. Put it this way you cars will generally have around 50-80 microns of Clear Coat that's makes your colour coat nice and glossy. that's not even as thick as a peice of paper. You will need to leave the car at a panel shop for the work to be completed so it will probably a 3 days turn around. Just be mindful of who gets used. Ford will likely advise the dealership to get some quotes from local shops and pick the cheapest. My ute was fine, but had some rust repaired on my Ranger and the panel shop did a crap job.
  14. Yeah its a full respray of the sides of the tub unless they can polish the marks out. But a 3yr old car the rubs are going to be quite significant. You are entitled to the work to be covered under warranty but it is alot of work to get it all done.
  15. I had my ute fixed under warranty. Fortunately both sides were the same so help prove my case. I beleive its fairly well documented. How old is the ute?
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