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  1. Had to do one about a year ago and came back perfect, infact the doctors said I was way to healthy for a pack a day smoker with a bad junk food habit They basically hook you up to a heart monitor and run you on a treadmill till you reach a certain point of your maximum healthy heart rate and look for abnormalities.
  2. azasturbo

    Speeding Fine.

    What thread are you reading? All I see is people saying when you are done your done but if you are truly innocent fight it. Seems perfectly logical to me, its like any other crime you arent going to just plead guilty to murder because the cops charge you with it and you were at home in bed with your mrs and her 3 best friends.
  3. Fark him and his weird looking kid. You should reply yes I have heard of the rebels my old mans the president of the sydney chapter maybe you can ask him the address
  4. Surely your views would be anything that stops someone from speeding at anytime is a good thing, Or are you only against this as it may put you and your buddies out of a job. Any other time you are telling us all people who do 5ks over the limit are criminals and should be locked up, or is that only when you get to go on a power trip and enforce it?
  5. azasturbo

    Speeding Fine.

    The good old "If you have a fine you must be a bad driver" argument. What a load of crap that is a fine is no reflection on anyones ability to handle a motor vehicle safely. Keep pushing the company line IB if it helps you sleep at night.
  6. youve changed your tune IB, must be mellowing in your old age
  7. Yes im sure this will be very effective in cutting the road toll. Wouldnt want to try something that actually may work when you can do things to make extra cash.
  8. azasturbo

    Speeding Fine.

    Funnily enough the only fine I received in the last few years was very similar to that, except the cop fined me for a few things, didnt offer to help get her to hospital and I was very polite. Once he handed me the fine I was anything but and told him exactly how I felt in the rudest possible way, appealed the fine and was let off.
  9. surely there are better things to worry about. Its a top pic, id be flattered
  10. azasturbo

    Speeding Fine.

    IB will be along shortly to tell you that you have no hope of fighting it, you were wrong they are always right etc.
  11. Yeah the 150 in a 60 zone was just a random number, my point still stands though all the urgent duty training in the world wont make a car pull up faster no matter who is behind the wheel.
  12. yes the idiot thief was to blame yes the police need to look at the policy they adhere to when engaging in pursuits for mine in 99.9% of cases id say let the crooks go its not worth risking innocent lives to catch a crim would I want the lives of innocent people to be put in danger to catch someone who held a gun to my head - hell no they will ark up eventually and be caught if its dangerous for me to do 65 in a 60 zone, how can anyone consider it safe for a cop to do 150 in a 60 zone, they dont have magic powers or superduper brakes that make them stop any quicker than I would.
  13. I bought some to try it, only used it on the rims for the falcon and they look good but dont stay clean like claimed. Used it on my jeep after a weekend in the mud and it worked awesome wouldnt trust it on a car if I cared about the paint though just in case.
  14. I got over not having a v8 after my first tune, since then I havent looked back - except to see v8 bonnet bulges in the rear view mirror.
  15. "or sure you got to pay, but in our modern society that is what makes us think, the loss of dollars" Shame that doesnt work, considering we have more cameras than ever and the highest road toll in years.
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