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About crazyhorse

  • Birthday March 24

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  1. Yup sounds like it's a bit too much to do at home or test the patience of the husband... worth the $780 to not have to deal with that tantrum haha. Thanks guys, appreciate the quick responses!
  2. Hi all My 2008 FG turbo ute has a faulty fuel sender. Ford want to sting me $790 to replace it. Found the part on eBay for $120. Anyone had any experience in replacing these and are they hard to do?
  3. Happy Birthday crazyhorse!

  4. Happy Birthday crazyhorse!

  5. Happy Birthday crazyhorse!

  6. Happy Birthday crazyhorse!

  7. also posted this in the creaking thread but thought this might be closer to the same issue I have with mine.... Mines been clunking in the back end somewhere since 15,000km, I told ford about it when I got them to stiffen the suspension up during this service. Its now doubled that km and have taken it into 2 dealerships, neither of them can find out whats wrong with it. First dealership (where I bought the car from) replaced the tail shaft... still makes the noise. So they booked it in to replace the entire diff... I moved and took it to another dealership where they said there was nothing wrong with the diff (old dealership said there was 15mm backlash, which new dealership said is normal?) and they couldn't find a thing wrong with it. They 'think' it might be a loose bolt in the tray body somewhere? Awesome... It usually always happens when you reverse, pull it into drive and accelerate. Also does it accelerating through gears- usually between 2 & 3rd below 50kms, and leaving at the lights. Am going to check out suspension after and u bolts but I am sure these have been looked at by ford already??? Maybe I should take it to a suspension shop?
  8. crazyhorse

    Rear End Creak

    Is the noise you guys getting a creak or more a clunk noise? Mines been doing it since 15,000km, I told them about it when I got them to stiffen the suspension up during this service. Its now doubled that km and have taken it into 2 dealerships, neither of them can find out whats wrong with it. First dealership (where I bought the car from) replaced the tail shaft... still makes the noise. So they booked it in to replace the entire diff... I moved and took it to another dealership where they said there was nothing wrong with the diff (old dealership said there was 15mm backlash, which new dealership said is normal?) and they couldn't find a thing wrong with it. They 'think' it might be a loose bolt in the tray body somewhere? Awesome... It usually always happens when you reverse, pull it into drive and accelerate. Also does it accelerating through gears- usually between 2 & 3rd below 50kms, and leaving at the lights. Am going to check out suspension after seeing those photos above... but I am sure its a weight movement thing like mentioned above.
  9. Mine does the same thing, drives me nuts, some pumps it works fine, others I give up and only put $20 in it. Also try to fill it to only 65 litres as the auto shut off 'shuts off' after the fuel has already spewed out all over the side of the car.
  10. When I bought my FG turbo ute I got the premium sound, was told I would get the colour screen etc etc, and of course when it arrived it had none of these things- don't believe a thing your car salesman says, he just wants you to sign up a sale.
  11. bugger sorry to hear about your troubles guys, I wondered if it was me giving it a bit too much gas every now and then, but it sounds like a design fault. Sure hope I don't have to get the tail shaft replaced every 15,000kms or I will be trading it in for a moped.
  12. Hi guys I bought my FG XR6 turbo in August, and have had it in for its 15000km service. It began clunking changing up and down gears and during excelleration, a mate got under it and reckons its the coupling that joins the tail shaft onto the diff. So I took it back to Ford, and they are replacing the entire tail shaft. Ford reckon its from having too heavy a weight in the tray, though I don't think a few bales of hay and some bags of horse feed would equal a heavy weight. The ford service guy reckons he has seen a few of them, (with one car coming in with that coupling totally distroyed) and the heavy weight excuse is coming from the Ford Factory... just thought I would give you a heads up that there seems to be a bit of an issue in this area of the car. I am also getting my suspension tightened as the car bottoms out on bumps on the highway, a little hard to steer clear of when your doing 100+ kms an hour. Has anyone else had any issues like this or am I the only lucky one?
  13. heres mine, its one of those reversable stickers- can't see in but can see out, good enough to not know if the white car behind you has sirens on top, but blocks alot of light coming in so people driving with thier high beams on behind you isn't a bother...
  14. thanks heaps for the piccys Tig I think I might look into it and see what I can find around Brissie Cheers!
  15. Now I have seen one of those before on a BA I think, do you loose any tray space with them? I am sure the one I saw lost a bit of tray space towards the cab of the car (there the roller sits). They sit flush with the tray right, so how do they work if you want to put a higher load in? I would have thought the hard tops would sit a little higher than these? Or do you just leave them open when you have a load in the back. What price are these jobs going for? They do look pretty flash, and I do like the new style of these utes with any of their lids- beats the old cotton reels on the older models. It was the first thing I asked when I walked into Ford- "they don't have those horrible knob things on them do they?"
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