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  1. Tolgz

    Vic Cruise

    at the moment, im in. first time, coming out on a cruise with you guys, should be great fun is there anyone from the north/west region going, PM me, we can drive down together. cheers, lev
  2. PSIFRK ive got a BF and im after some leather interior. how do I get in contact with you?
  3. will racing start at the usual friday night drag times? or has there been change im times because you guys have organised otherwise?
  4. Tolgz


    hi im more of a reader on the forum rather then a writer and im not really familiar with modifications an tuning of a car. I recently got a N/A 2003 model XR6 and want to convert it to a turbo. I just wanted to no all the parts required for this conversion, I would really appreciate it, if you guys could tell me all the parts required. any feedback will be greatly appreciated, thanks
  5. adam, ive heard your car, no arguing its loud, but im assuming the power output an amount of boost your running, is the cause of such loud noise.
  6. im not quite sure, but I think the BOV makes the fluttering noise, when acceleration pressure is released. So I assumed that, since in tip tronic u dont get your foot off the accelerator, there woudnt be a flutter.
  7. hi, after deciding on the purchase of an xr6 turbo, is was jus wondering, if an auto T would make the same fluttering sound, from the blow off valve, as a manual T would, wen u are shifting gears through tip tronic mode ? if not, how would u actually make it flutter ?
  8. hi, im not a regular forum user, but just recently ive had look at my tyres and I noticed they have cracked from the inside. It is a 2003 XR6 non turbo, on just over 24,000kms. if anyone has any info on this issue, or if anyone knows if ford do anything about it, e.g change tyres, any feedback will be appreciated. thanks, lev
  9. thanks guys. who would I be able to contact, that would be the most helpful to me? who would connect these?
  10. hi. ive heard that some people are purchasing dvd players and are hooking the player straight to the premium sound screen. if anyone has done it, could you please tell me the process of completing it. what would I need to purchase to hook it up? is it just an adapter I need or more? thanks.
  11. hi guys, ill be there for sure, I only live 15 minutes away via train. I was wanted to ask you guys, is it alright with all the guys which are going to dyno there cars if I record the dyno's. I respect all thoughts an opinions about this, some might not want it to be recorded, so I have been told before. so you guys can let me know, it will greatly appreciated. thanks guys
  12. hi guys, I had a alot of time to have a look at the gauges and ive got to say, they look good, they give the car a more aggressive look I wreckon. even the Expensive Daewoo owners at ford, agreed that they look good.
  13. is there anyway I can get it off the internet. is there a website for the newspaper?
  14. hi guys, awful situation there. There is never anything pretty about this kind of stuff and accidents like this should make motorists, especially P-platers to think twice about what they are doing on our roads. Simmo, just wondering which newspaper that was in, there is a couple of people I want to show that to, so they can stop they're appauling driving manner. Thanks, Lev
  15. Hi guys, I finished work experience on friday, havent been able to have a look at the forums on the site becuase of my late nights. Getting to the point, on friday, last day of work experience, I see a purple looking typhoon, because I seen it before dont bother going next to it. later on I realise, it onli a two door, so me, quikcly run that way. Well its a nice car, wud be a very powerful UTE, and its got a nice hard top cover on it, which a massive FPV logo on it. My mate, which got me the work experience, which is an engineer has got a GT, and after him seeing the typhoon, his already got the GT up for sale. The typhoon and tornado are surely going to turn heads.
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