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The Jizard

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Everything posted by The Jizard

  1. Everyday Johnny's a Jizzin Hi Freaky
  2. that's where me f*cking cupcakes went.....assholes.
  3. LOL Scotty, the 180 needs to do a half selfie
  4. Farkin secret squirrel sh*t, stick that up your arse Mr Business man.
  5. Yeah not close to those relics of yesteryear lol
  6. Car belongs in garage like you belong in kitchen.
  7. Virgin fingers, Phoons do bite like bitches though.
  8. Hows the pick up going Johno? Is it finished yet? And Donnie he's only calling it how it is
  9. Don't you drink that piss tasting VB BiZkets?
  10. So lawns are done and a few beers down, time to work on my alcohol injectors
  11. It's also other criminals, so we go for a spin hypothetically, I'm a convicted crim and don't tell you but we all get together for a chat in a carpark, the cops pull up and then arrest you all for hanging out with me even though we haven't done a thing wrong at all.
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