Hey guys just need a bit of help, first of all car is a BA II xr6t(T56man) with 60,000kms on the clock So this morning when I was driving to work and hit a reasonably sized pot hole at about 40km/h, the front left wheel copped it. (*facepalm! I forgot it was there and was driving reasonably close to the dick in front doing 20kmh under the speed limit so couldn't see it coming) Now I'm getting a light metal on metal knocking sound from the rear of the car but it was only happening when I back off the go pedal in 1 and 2nd gear only at about 60km/h down to 20km/h, the knocking sound is in time with speed if that make sense(shat myself this morning thought I completly screwed something, tricked myself into thinking I had bent a f**cking rod a first haha listened to the motor as soon as I pulled over...phew big sigh of releif!!!). Just drove home and now its only happeing on a higher load downshift ie 4th-3rd at 80kmh and it stops after a few knocks then again on downshift from 3rd to 2nd at like 40-60kmh then goes away again. What the f*** have I done? haha B.T.W. Both left front and rear rims look ok no cracks (I don't run low profile tyres think that saved my rim!!) and had a quick look under the rear of the car cant see any dramas yet (havent had it on the jack yet) being a friday didnt bother taking it to a workshop after 4 when I knocked off. Cheers, Lynchy