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About southside

  • Birthday 09/10/1991

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    Radelaide.. Real
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  1. Happy Birthday southside!

  2. Happy Birthday southside!

  3. Happy Birthday southside!

  4. The 5.0 Love flames got it shooting out two or three big flames every time I down shift into second in the higher rpm range
  5. I'm running no cats (straight pipe) on E85 an barely get any smell at all. I agree, in SA 100cell cats will still get you in trouble, so I just bit the bullet and went straight pipe myself. Cars sounds amazing and gives off not much smell at all. Plus you get this
  6. Alright guys, so after yesterdays fun times with J D Tuning, I put together a quick video, shot off my Iphone Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvuxE...ature=youtu.be
  7. Lowering blocks are a pain and sacrifice handling. Get a reset leaf springs and coil overs for the front. I'd recommend Shockworks coil over system, as they have been designed for the FG cars. As for power and control, it depends what your goals are? When I was running the ute daily with a 460rwkw tune it handle fine with standard suspension. A little boaty in the hills but still nothing as bad as people claim. I've been in a ute where a mates just slammed it with kings and blocks.. and my god, it's terrible! couldn't stand how awful it handled. But then again, it's up to the individual!
  8. Cheers Benny As I said, big things to come, and a couple of mods I want to share/ show you all!
  9. So, thought I'd touch base with you guys considering I had my other thread pulled, due to some issues it was causing. However! we are now past that, and it's time for a bright future ahead. I'll be posting up a whole new thread within the next 2 months. Big plans and a couple of tasteful mods will be happening, as well as the 1/4 mile drags I'll be doing in Sept. Looking forward to sharing everything with you guys!
  10. Can't go past the Race tunnels hahaha
  11. Hahaha! that was all of us at 3.30am this morning on the ferry going to murray bridge! Was s big night of crusing
  12. Man I remember jet doing a fat burnout in harbour town with the white XR6T and Foyle and I being the babies of the group! Still are :/
  13. I ran off and bought a hilux after my turbo.. Got bored of driving over things so now I'm back in a tyre fryer :D
  14. I dont even know if we have the support or team these days to do a big Ohmo cruise :( But we can try :D
  15. Oh man... I miss the old cruising days :( Fuuark they were the best days ever! The old BA turbos coped a beating from Foyle and I doing dose wars everywhere we went haha
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