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  1. Well I've got a bit of a soft spot for jap coupes so ill go a GC Galant Coupe. Had one for my my first car too!
  2. got a stock ba mkii xr6t ute and I was sitting at the traffic lights on the corner of main north and yorktown rd in the ghetto lol when some biatch ran up my arse in a kia Carnival the damage isnt too bad just bloody annoying!!!
  3. hey guys another newbie and im in providing the ute is in and out of the crash shop by then >.< Turbojet Turbojet mate 1 (mandirine xr6t) Turbojet mate 2 (phantom xr6t) Turbpjets homosexual lover , weeeeeeeeeee Bloosted Shauny RSK Fordriver Menis Heeery Typhoon Justa6 cunno_01
  4. I had same issue the other night when I went to change mine got the rear nut off but the front was tight as only difference was I stopped before I rounded the nut I take it the rest of you guys didnt have the same issue? any suggestions?
  5. cunno_01

    ute register

    Hey Guys im in SA have a 05 ba mkII 6speed man ute its stock at the moment but hopefully not for too much longer so yea that's me done
  6. Hey guys another new member im in Adelaide and have a stock 05 mkii xr6t ute with 6speed manual in blaze good sight loving the info!
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