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About xr6tc

  • Birthday 21/06/1985

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Cairns, who knows how long for!
  • Interests
    My Car... Mountain Biking

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  1. Happy Birthday xr6tc!

  2. Happy Birthday xr6tc!

  3. Happy Birthday xr6tc!

  4. Happy Birthday xr6tc!

  5. Well to everyone on the east coast, not in bloody Queensland, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  6. just wishes he was home!

  7. is back, but there feels like something is missing from my apartment!

  8. Isn't particularly happy, couldn't I have stayed for just a little bit longer?

  9. loves writing letters, they're such a great way to communicate!

  10. is missing someone... How much longer do we have to wait?

  11. Mate great write up, but I am curious about the wiring that you used for the sub install... I have had a look and the connections are different, I think it's a spade for the stock and RCA for the Kicker, any pointers?
  12. Good win for the Wallabies, now they have to carry it through until the end of October and I will be a happy man for Christmas

  13. Happy Birthday xr6tc!

  14. Yeah John, I have to agree with you on that one, Cape York are probably the pick of this litter from my end, but SVS can do the work you want too... It all depends on who you build the best raport with...
  15. Damn it Beau, I missed it... But I am back in town so that is always a good start... At least the weather up here is GREAT!
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