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  1. yeah add me to that list tony
  2. when did the noise start happening, can u remember what work u had done to the car just before the noise started?
  3. maybe it was me. there's four modded mercury silver t's in the area that I know of, boostedxr's, one that's around ballan road a lot, a one that's around heaths road and mine. n they nearly all look the same, despoilered, 19" FPV wheels, shiny coolers, can't tell em apart.
  4. Dunno about FG but this is normal on B series with LSD, would guess it's the same diff. Sometimes I can hear mine doing this too. The way you can tell if it's normal is if it only does it when the diff is warmed up. So first thing in the morning, go do some tight turns around a roundabout or corner. If you can't hear it, go for a long drive (at least half an hour) on the freeway, then test again. If you can hear the noise now, don't worry, it's normal. But if it makes noise when the diff is cold, something could be wrong.
  5. Definately go the intercooler first, since you already got a big cat, which is what holds back power the most in the exhaust system.
  6. Very nice, and welcome back to the road. What a sick lookin BF you're driving, hottest thing going around.
  7. Nah, I think he's probably right when he says he can hear the turbo spinning after shutting off the engine. I used to be able to hear it too, used to think it was the water pump. Now that I have a new turbo on it though, it is much quieter. You can still hear it if you're listening for it or you open the hood though. That's to be expected.
  8. thanks, sent you a PM. yeah it's pretty common to hear the transmission blokes saying stronger bands and clutches etc but it's hard to understand why they're on average asking for $3500 swap over.
  9. Doesn't anyone know anything about their built BTRs? There's gotta be a lot of people out there with them... please....
  10. Interesting stuff. But I still want to hear from people who have had their BTRs built, what goes into them? Who can you recommend?
  11. Wanna hear from someone that's had a BTR built, who did the work, had any problems, generally what the experience was. Also is there a reputable shop around western suburbs melb? And generally what are people's opinions on what path I should take...
  12. Thanks gregor and henz. I want a box that can handle 330rwkw easily, as that's about the power I've got. Is a built BTR still alright for that? It won't be a daily driver per se, but will get driven fairly often just for fun/ cruising. What should I be looking out for in the way of what work will be done to the box? Kevlar bands and clutches, what else?
  13. I'm looking at options for a gearbox after mine let go and have noticed there are three types of autos that people talk about. I wanna know what the difference is between them and also what auto do I have (standard BA box)? The transmissions are called T 400, BTR and C4. The problem with mine is that it started slipping into 3rd and then suddenly I lost 3rd and 4th gear altogether. I'm being told that the C1 clutch pack is stuffed but no one has looked at the car yet.
  14. People, if you remove your centre muffler you are going to get the "sh*tty and farty six-cylinder noise".. I've been there done that and learnt my lesson, don't waste your time. Buy a bigger full exhaust system if you want a nicer sound, but remember it's a 6, don't try to impress pedestrians with that way it sounds, impress them with the way it GOES.
  15. These always fall out, it's a stud which is threaded on both ends with an unthreaded section in the middle. I bought from Ford, part no. is W708547S300, cost about $7. I imagine it would be very difficult to put it on with the turbo in place. It needs to be screwed into the exhaust manifold, turbo placed over it and then a nut needs to be tightened onto it.
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