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About ridingtom

  • Birthday 14/11/1990

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  1. Happy Birthday ridingtom!

  2. Happy Birthday ridingtom!

  3. Happy Birthday ridingtom!

  4. Happy Birthday ridingtom!

  5. Happy Birthday ridingtom!

  6. raining on northern beaches when I was driving home. look forward to next weeks one my car is filthy from driving all week
  7. I work 10 mins from palmy, weather down here has been shocking with highest rainfall in nsw yesterday. I'll post up tomorrow how the weather is but if it's raining I will just drive out to palmy and meet there. rains no fun :(
  8. was out of school time and usually a 90km/h zone. say what you will, I've been in a large car accident before and know the risks and what can go wrong. usual story "there's a track for that kind of thing" and yes I go to the track but when your on a moto that does 120 in first gear you loose track pretty quickly.
  9. haha saw you bought that joe! 30 over is better then my 110 over going 150 in a school zone on gsxr, so lucky he only did me for prohibited bike.
  10. oh serious joe, spewing. I'm still waiting for my moto one to come through for prohibited bike. my mate was gonna come with me but I'll speak to you on facebook bout it.
  11. I'll be attending but will meet at the BP/macca's off general holmes drive. I live 15 mins from palm beach so not to far home! 2009 FG F6 ute bionic PA-77-ON bring you car smurf, just write on the side of it "I got t-boned"
  12. Yeh there lenso d1r's 20x10 rear 20x8.5 front. was always interested in a similar wheel to "cleaning dudes" ute cause I rate his car. in time I will get the guards rolled in rear and put my 10mm spacers on back. they look so much better in the flesh with how much dish the rears have!
  13. Haven't been on forum for ages but keen for cruise. here's my rig with new wheels and finally got off p-plates!
  14. There king SSL springs in the front and the lowest king rear leafs you can get. This is how it looks lately with window tint and afew other little things
  15. haha I see what your getting a RAP1D. cheers for heads up. What can the stock F6 cooler hold?
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