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  • Birthday 06/06/1984

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    Liverpool NSW
  • Member Title
    EVIL T

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  1. Happy Birthday FAST-XR!

  2. Happy Birthday FAST-XR!

  3. slightly old thread, but dynos readings vs mph is very inconsistant. in my BF2 manual with 295rwkw, street tryes, I did 12.9 @ 118mph, 2.2 60ft (bogged down) as a stocker with 205rwkw same dyno, street tyres, I did 13.4 @ 105mph, 2.0 60ft (almost perfect launch) 118mph seems high for 295rwkw, but dynos arnt gospel...
  4. what was the difference in tourque? more early/mid range power?
  5. mate I had a similar issue, 13 psi tapering to 9, could not make more than 270rwkw. Ported wastage 12psi acutator, problem solved. Your making very god power on relatively low boost, neither your cat or your exhaust is holding you back, if you were making 295rwkw @ 15psi then your cat could be the issue, but your not.
  6. what you need to sort out is why your losing 4 PSI, id say its your wastgate... your making good power on 10PSI, you just need to hold boost at top end
  7. how much boost are you pushing to achieve 295?
  8. yeah it looks like ill have to get a 10amp charger. I dont understand how it still has the cranking power to start the car on the 1st crank ervery time, but it cant sustain a current draw from a radio for a couple of mins?
  9. will charging it using the 4.8 Amp charger be detremental to the battery? or will it just partially charge it?
  10. Hi all, Having issues with my Oddysey PC925 battery. Still cranks over perfectly. But if I leave the car on accessories only with the car not running for more than 1minute, the battery goes flat and I cant start the car, otherwise it starts every time. Does this battery require charging? if so does it require a trickle charge or a ful charge? I have a supercheap charger, 12V 4800mA, is this suitable for the job? it says that its suitable for gel and deep cycle batteries, but not sure if it need to be fast charge or trickle. any advice would be appriciated thanks alot
  11. topped up the fluid and the box feels like an old girlfriend again. all the tightness has gone, feels perfectly smoth. I didnt measure it, but I needed the volume of the reserviour filled once.... didnt have a chance to find the source of the leak.
  12. just checked my clutch fluid.... empty! have not seen any fluid on the floor, none under the dash, will check bell housing and hose connections when I get home.
  13. yeah I spent the little extra and got the braided bleed kit, have not checked the fluid yet, will give me something to do this weekend!
  14. had issues getting into reverse this morning, took me at least 10 atempts to get it in. I just couldnt get it in the gate. also noticing that the pedal travel has deteriated and seams to be engaging just off the floor, I think its been gradual and only I noticed it now becuase of the issues. does this seem fluid and temp related? or mechanical issue?
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