Not working out hard enough if you're not throwing up Wingnut!!! lol I would throw up every 2nd set when getting trained legs.. Good stuff Nick, keep it up!!!
No mate im keeping my car, that's not going anywhere! We traded in the wife 125 convertible Corzza, they are good at Melb City. The salesman dribbled a bit of sh!t, but dont they all!!
Do you mean, trying to suck us in so we keep buying Volvo's??? Customer service is sh!tloads better than BMW which was her previous car. Got the wife a XC60 T6 R-design and Polestar tuned for the family car
Yeah? Thanks mate... Legend!!! You guys at Volvo have pretty good service! We've had 3 packages/gifts sent to us. First was a $900 voucher to a photography place, then something else and another parcel came last night. Plus a couple of courtesy calls from the salesman. Is that the norm?