No sunroof NVT, theres no place for one either. Up front is a sunglass holder and interior lights, the middle has more interior lights and a mic. Rarity is a good thing, I've only seen 2-3 others
haha dont be like that Fluff! Still not training Pazz. Was thinking about going back for 2 weeks to get the rig into some sort of shape for the Frenchies... but was that, just a thought!!! My trainer rang me last weekend and gave me a good serve... He wants me to do the October comps.
Morning all. Now my reno's have finished and the mrs has moved in, I have my first weekend off since Oct/Nov. The mrs works sat mornings so going to enjoy a sleep then go shopping for a road bike. Have an engagement tomorrow night so going to let loose then on Sunday sit on the couch and watch the NBA All star weekend! and in 2 weeks I'll be in France... Good times!!!
Start the cycle again and keep rolling it over. So if you're going to do Mon-Fri, whatever you do on the Monday you'll do again on the Friday. Then on the following Monday do what is next in the sequence which will be chest/tri's and so on
When I have done Db decline, I would sit on the bench lift the db's onto my knees (or get someone to) then lower myself back bringing the db's to my chest
Would be better to steam your broccs than to boil Wingnut. You lose alot more of nutritional value when you boil. Freaky.. My split for the most part is; Chest, shoulders, tri's Back, bi's Legs, abs