Good stuff Angel!! You going to do the challenge also? Yeah went all out. Wanted to get the full affect seeng im pasty white normally. Cheers. Bizkets... get some glutamine also, its good for gut health among other things. I'll also say, actual food should come first and protein shakes should be used as a top up.
Nutrition is the best way without 'assistance'. Have to eat big to get big! Also pre workouts raise your cortisol levels which reduces your protein sythesis and prevents tissue growth. However supplementing with Vit C can help reduce cortisol levels after training.
I would suggest to cycle it, as your body makes it naturally and if you're consistently taking it, it can decrease your bodies natural stores. As for loading, it depends on the quality of the creatine. Better ones, there's no need to load.
Have a set sitting in my garage, which were on my f6e. Need a 3mm spacer to clear 6/4 brembos. Havent weighed them but going by feel they weigh less than the stock 19's. Might look to sell them if your interested?
Morning all, 10 of my mates and I have a boys weekend each year in November and one of the events is go karting. Did the Port Melbourne track last year. It was p*ssing down for the first race, carnage everywhere!!! If you like go karting, do yourself a favour and go to the Phillip Island track. Easily the best track we've been on!!!
Good times saving for a wedding and a house!!! Glad I've been there and done that... How long do you have until the wedding? Haha Actually been thinking of selling them and the car of late... not sure why, just feel like something different. Na I havent been.. I did get an awesome home gym of the wife for xmas, but with having been off for about 5 months with the arrival of bubs, when I did get back into it at the start of the year I went too hard too quickly and now im suffering from a torn bicep tendon :(
All going good over here.. how about you? Heard you car was back at Nizpro... secret mods? They're setting in the garage at the moment. I took them off as they needed a good polish but never put them back on.