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Bonjaz last won the day on October 18 2011

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381 Excellent

About Bonjaz

  • Birthday January 24

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    cars bikes boats anything with a motor

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  1. Happy Birthday Bonjaz!

  2. we use the Hylomar Spray at work (power station) to seal up heaps of chit, its good stuff.
  3. sounds like more things to go wrong...
  4. I had a mate run 400+kw with stock cross over years ago, on a hot QLD day going for a squirt it actually melted the hard plastic piping the goes from turbo to cross over. I wouldnt advise it...
  5. Make sure the original screen/filter comes out...
  6. Have you checked coolant level and colour? If the heat exchanger on the side of the zf splits it can cause tranny fluid to mix with coolant and it gives the car a constant hunting feeling
  7. I did my old ute with the box still in, from memory it wasnt too painful...
  8. on night shift, so naturally I watched the F1 from start to finish, and what a finish!!!
  9. so now you know whats wrong (according to one place) fix the serious issues/safety issues yourself or get somewhere else to do it and then get a roadworthy somewhere else and fix the rest when money and time allows. I drive a 20+ year old patrol everyday and im almost certain every bush/seal/shock/spring is pretty well f*cked not in an unsafe way, but more of a - has alot of freeplay and knocking and groaning than it should way. If you can live with a few knocks ect im sure all that stuff listed wont need to be changed right away.
  10. Of course, a nice country track on my way home from tafe one friday arve
  11. I cant see the add but I had a cheap hks on my first bf and it was great for the money it cost.
  12. when and if you decide to put it back on, just keep in mind that you dont want it to catch wind when your doing high speeds. I was doing inexcess of...we will say 100km/h and it caught a gust of wind and pulled all the screw out of the bumper and it flew out the back of the car, scared the faaaaark out of me and then it was never able to go back on.
  13. they are 14mm bolts? I remember using a 1/4 rachet with an extension and a 14mm socket to undo mine. It was tight but can be done.
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