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About J0sh

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    Pertthh W.A

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  1. How fast are you planning on going? shouldnt need them unless your planning on going Sub 10's from memory
  2. Add another spot for a friend of mine wanting to come.
  3. Well done on cracking the 4 figures mate Flashed Junk Mind by Milky Chance
  4. J0sh

    Fg Xr6T

    Soon, just need to get a few things done first and it will make its first visit.
  5. J0sh

    Fg Xr6T

    It will go 9's with ease with a built motor Jacob
  6. If you don't know how to do a burnout, I wouldn't be trying to learn how over the internet, then trying at a wedding. Take a video though!!
  7. how firm are the gear changes?
  8. For what you get when purchasing pw or plaz, I dont believe they are over priced at all.
  9. Theres too many variables to scrutineer the top 50. You pretty much have to put them all in the same basket. Then theres going to be different categorys for street tyres, mt streets, full slicks, if it has a cage or no cage, interior or no interior you cant draw the line as everything is done purely for setup and to run numbers, the same way it is a left hand drive for setup. Saying its not a street car, half of the cars in the top 15 wouldnt pass the pits anyway. Anything can be engineered to pass if its built properly, you cant scrutineer the list with that argument also. End of the day it is a barra with all original fg panels from what can be seen in the vids
  10. New PB 9.95@140mph, still using the factory unopened motor. Previous ranking: 7 W.A Josh J / Monsta Torque A6 FG MKII F6 Sedan - Moptorplex 10.06 @ 138
  11. Little Video I quickly put together. A fair bit of footage to get through. Im just an aussie battler trying to pedal a boat Kyle lol.
  12. Yeah it was, thanks mate. It's a handful when it comes on boost, a pair of track semis slicks would have to be on the cards and a good suspension combo.
  13. Great day out, thoroughly enjoyed blowing out some cobwebs and pushing a few limits. Bring on the next outing I say!
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