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tonyv last won the day on April 9 2012

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About tonyv

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    EPC Member

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  1. trent doing superman poses. lol
  2. trent don't be a gay *beep*, just buy a fg xr6t sedan. throw a few mods on it n stfu lmao
  3. Just strolling through. Not much to do in winter and lol trent
  4. farken hell this chat is still going I thought it died years ago. Trents still here talking crap lmao
  5. Fg f6 zf. Vic . Springy motors . 9.93 at 144.1 mph. Calder park
  6. haha not with the stock motor, no rush mate will prob start building a motor n run in the new yr again
  7. just sent it to u on here private message
  8. my slips on forced 6 if your on it, just save it jet
  9. just p.bd at calder with my fg f6, 10.24 @139.99 (zf 6spd) Springy motors
  10. tonyv

    fg f6 518rwkw

    I duno how to put a sheet up, George can do it hes on my fb. however u do it lol
  11. tonyv

    fg f6 518rwkw

    haha yep that's the plan George. yea she feels stronger than before. little reluctant to muck around on the street too much, waiting for calder
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