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About notol

  • Birthday 21/05/1982

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    Innisfail Nth Qld
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    Team Octane

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  1. Happy Birthday notol!

  2. Happy Birthday notol!

  3. Happy Birthday notol!

  4. Happy Birthday notol!

  5. TLDR !!! haha I'm with RHR though. I'm waiting to see exactly what the FG2 will bring to the table looks and feature wise before I upgrade again. Hopefully it'll be all that and more and I'll have my ass in one by the end of the year...if they even release it this year that is. New GT is sooo tempting right now though. I guess it depends how long you can wait as to the direction you go. In saying that, there is definitely nothing wrong with the current GT either, so tough choice mate. Best of luck deciding!
  6. Ahh...I hope no one is still chasing any of the RDA 322mm Gold passivated rotors over the last month or so...It seems I picked up the last two in existence. I was initially told by multiple suppliers that there were none left in Australia and it would be at least 2 months before they received the next shipment the set I got were supposedly lost in the system somewhere and luckily my spare parts mate happened across em. To that end, they tried to hit me with $70 extra in freight because they were in Sydney and not Brisbane!!!!! To the guys looking at the QFM A1RM pads, I was for a long time assuming the pads were creating the immense amount of dust I was seeing. Judging by the looks of my old RDA Rotor, I think it was a pretty even mix between pad and rotor dust... So if you're chasing a pad and rotor combo with no dust, definitely don't go down that route. However, if you want to stop in a damn hurry (like causing your passenger to headbutt the dash hurry - seat belt apparently didn't lock?!!...) they most certainly will provide ample for you in that department. I'll let ya's know how the HPX RDA combo works out with noise, stopping power and dust. Have a good one guys and girls! Cam
  7. notol

    Need Help

    I'm in the same situation mate. After stewing on the same issue for a while, I'm leaning toward the GT myself. I figure you would more then likely make the majority of that $$ difference back just purely on the resale...I could be wrong though?? Not only that, as you said you get the Brembo's which would make up a big chunk of that price difference. Premium audio (for the colour screen - Should be standard!!) The better body Kit Not sure if the suspension is the same between the two though? Not to mention the fact that it is a GT! I guess, if you weren't going to spend anymore than the couple upgrades you mentioned, and you can put up with the car looking like a standard FG XR6, the GS is the way to go. Also, I wonder how much longer we will have to wait for the new series to be released? I mean, you may be able to pick up a GT for a bit cheaper then?
  8. He's probably still out driving! Can't say I blame him either. Nice ride mate, congrats! I've been stewing on getting myself one the last few months... all this talk about the Series 2 machines has put it on hold though. Any ideas when the series II will be released? Cheers
  9. Happy Birthday notol!

  10. Yeah, but what can you do I've been looking around for a cat back system that'll bolt up to the stock dump and cat, which I can then later upgrade to the full system and get the rest of the gear thrown on with a tune in one hit. Still haven't found many, so any suggestions would be appreciated. Cheers
  11. I had the Center muffler removed from the FG last weekend as well. The note it makes upon starting like has been said is quite raspy and at WOT is pretty damn good too. But I don't really like the note when I'm just cruising around town or accelerating lightly etc. Sort of has the sound of an N/A falcon or Late model camira that has an exhaust you can fit your head up... Maybe if it was a manual it would be better. See how it goes after a few weeks of carbon build up though. There's no drone that I can detect as others have also mentioned either.
  12. Hey mate. I'm not sure which pads would be the perfect match, but I myself have RDA Gold Passivated Rotors with QFM A1RM pads. However, the pads after around 30,000kms, have worn about 3-4mm off the rotor, which I was kind of expecting due to their specs and how well they performed. Machining them will pretty much remove the dimples and slots they have, so I will just replace them. No track work, just spirited driving I am going to replace and downgrade the pads to QFM HPX pads in the next month (They are equivalent to Bendix Ultimate's)which should hopefully give me a bit better life from the RDA's albeit with less braking power... So yeah, for braking performance I would without a doubt recommend the QFM A1RM's (Awesome awesome braking power) but I would suspect the HPX pads would be better suited for an overall compromise between longevity, performance and price, for the both of us. I'm sure there are other people on here with a better idea about what to pair them up with, but from the research and talks I've had with the RDA guys, they should match pretty good. Let us know what you end up going with and your opinion of them after a bit of use. Take it easy fella.
  13. '01 Suzuki GSX-R 750. Been sitting there unused mostly for the last year. Need to sell it to do more mods to the car!
  14. There's more head in that bottle then my ex gave me in 6 months! There's no way he's drinkin that...surely
  15. Hell yea mate. Looking the goods. Is it at all droney with that exhaust?
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