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Everything posted by Tocchi

  1. kice, it was a missing top caliper bolt. the drivers side, top caliper mounting to upright bolt, had come out on the track so when I was going backwards, the caliper fell back against the rim, making the shudder
  2. guys. just so you know I now have: - a 2nd Magnafuel 1500hp rated fuel pump - 2200cc Siemens injectors (cheers Rapid) - a custom Nitto plenum getting sent my way - custom 6 boost manifold getting made. - running the T51R
  3. danny (import central) is getting a set for me as of 3 days ago he recommended I take them out after events... so not daily use.. I told him... squeaks already... what worse could it be
  4. I got some brand new 80Lb'ers for sale. $500 posted
  5. well.. haha. chopping n changing again ! after looking at the prices of dry ice coolers, im not too keen on them basically, I can buy a 2nd fuel pump for that price... yep, going methanol now looks like im sourcing some 220Lb injectors through Rapid (lukian has linked me some 160Lb bosch ones for sale on ebay ill consider too, $165 each) looks like the T51R will be kept (and used), and ill get mick (ovaboost) to make me up a custom exhaust manifold to suit using the 6boost collector (not made by them, some shop over east makes the collectors, 6boost buys the collectors). might get nitto (intake manifold) to send me over a custom one if possible, since the shorter piping I can have, the better
  6. cheers for the link. my fuel pump(s) operate from 20 to 120psi. so I think I have enough headroom.
  7. running Motec ecu and will be running Methanol. what kind of fuel pressure would I be looking at?
  8. cheers guys thinking about running to methanol now, since Dry Ice coolers are pricey f*ckers. http://www.fordxr6turbo.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=60296 ^^ looking for 160Lb or larger injectors... hey rapid, any chance you could do me a good price on them for some rapid signage on the car?
  9. what 1600cc (160 Lb) injectors (or greater) are there for XR6Ts? if anybody can get them for a good price, please post or PM me (if you want to be discrete). trade price would be nice if possible. probably going to run the Phoon motor on methanol now, since the cost of Dry Ice boxes are like "phwwooarr" haha.
  10. ok had a busy as f*ck day at Allfast today. simon (allfast), Mick (ovaboost) and I working our asses off getting it in etc only issue... Nitto plenum fouls on the chassis by a little bit... will have to notch the bottom of the plenum a little bit :( modified sump to clear steering rack... yes its a different sump... cos cant weld ceramic coating :( custom engine mounts... TDS spec as it is now
  11. dont worry about the cams for a drag car. engine of the day, they are going to be fixed in position ideal for drag racing. not economy. so just grab an aftermarket ecu, will give you better parameters etc. the high compression = higher power on same boost. just use dry ice cooling to keep those temperatures down to avoid detonation
  12. bigger was never better... too heavy. lol
  13. I use 18" rims for the track, easy to get R-comps, easy to get tyre profiles that are needed etc.
  14. good to hear you managed to sell it.... it was just a tad too rough for what I wanted to do originally, and I wasnt too sure of the integrity of the driveline after such a crash. good luck with the next car
  15. on AL it was stated that CHROME repairs arent possible in WA, due to nobody in WA being able to dip chrome or soemthing but give Alliance a call anyway, it wont hurt
  16. powerglide is mounted up now solid plate rear (between block and box) and clamped side mounts (TDS style). Simon (allfast) used a spare block for a dummy. just waiting for the call/sms to tell me to bring in my motor here's some photos: the motor will the plenum and manifold/turbo just bolted up quickly off it goes to Allfast
  17. nah im not using plazmaman, im using Snort Performance plenum. certainly not BFYB. I bought a different brand for my next plenum. that is all ill say. now this is an engine bay.... "mmmm so shiney, wow look at the size of that turbo... can I touch? ... how much did painting the bay cost?" etc
  18. THANK YOU HEAPS !!! the engine loom & motec get wired up start of next week so it was good timing
  19. nah, I should of actually given some more details, these are attached to the main engine loom, and outstretch to near where the aircon compressor would go. (note: dont have aircon compressor)
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