Ok I've been avoiding this topic due to its replies. Over east, Paul & the guys @ Northmead Auto Centre have had a FG XR6 they put a $400 wrecker FG NA engine in, added a Precision PT6870, and e85 I think ... it was pushing 500Kw+ for about 30,000km of bulk skids and powercruise / powerplay events. They can be considered timebombs, but for the price, hard to beat, just the (regular turbo stock) extras can add up (turbo, manifolds, injectors) if you don't have it already (which is why the turbo engine complete can be better pricing) ... but if you have the other stuff then it's cheap as. There's a saying I heard a while ago, smashing stock engines is ok, but it's a slippery slope to poverty if you start going through built engines