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  1. Car: 2010 fg XR50T Trans: 6sp ZF with ZF tune Power: 340 rwkw e85 Boost: 17psi Tapering down to 14psi Induction: BRT 4'' intake turbo side airbox / BRT Battery Relocation Intercooler: Jonny tig stepped cooler Turbo: GT3576 (12psi turbosmart IWG) Valve Springs: Stock Exhaust: Stock (Without Cat) Fuel: United e85 Fuel setup: 460lph Walbro In tank Tuning: HP tuners, Tuned By Me To get the most out of this set up Valve springs where needed.
  2. Car: 2010 FG XR50tTrans: 6 speed autoTurbo: stockBoost: 13 PSI Tapering to 12 PSICooler: StockFueling: KPM1000cc InjExhaust: Stock exhaust "HI-Flow" cat,Power: 288 RWKWTuner: Myself with HP Tuners Now on e85 with supporting mods 17psi stock gt3576, Power ???
  3. Flex plate is what id be looking at! Loose flex plate needs to be addressed very quickly as it can flog out the bolt holes in the back of the crank! and you don't particularly want to go down that road! going un diagnosed and rectified ASAP id say it would become an issue under load and not only just at idle.
  4. Look up KTS and their compressor catalogue, thousands to choose from and what your looking for is on there. make sure you get the right bore size to match the gt35 turbine wheel shaft
  5. Something else to keep in mind! http://store.forcedperformance.net/merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=FP&Product_Code=NTFP6466TZ&Category_Code=Turbo-FP
  6. Powercruise was def worth the flight over! cheers to Chris, Brendan & Phil for a fantasitc weekend over in WA. Will be making the next one for sure! (Gopro Footage better be up soon!) haha
  7. Hey so who's going to powercruise next weekend? Im flying over for it.
  8. Been such an awesome build to watch progress, now it has got the results on the board you origionally set out to acheive. Well done!!! Throw some front runners on it and some decent slick on the rear and it will lower that 9.97 even more!
  9. no worries Lee, been my pleasure! the perseverance you've had over this build is a credit to you!
  10. Well done lee, this thing is an absolute weapon! Wait till you can hold boost pressure up top. whp needs huge turbos
  11. if you transplant the mechatronics from your box into the new box it should work though
  12. bf xr6 t sedan to bf xr6 t ute would work? mate just brought a box to go in his ute from a sedan.
  13. well Atomic may be new shafts, but crow are def regrinds! we have had alot of problems with shimming cams as the lifter recess in the head are all different depths. meaning they all require all different sized shims. the stage 4+ cams are huge compared to fg cams. I dont think you can use vct on them! stage 4 is the max you can go with using the vct. here ya go jet, bit of reading for ya http://www.atomicperformanceproducts.com/camshafts.html
  14. lifters jet, as they are reground factory cam shafts
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