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Everything posted by Paulie2256

  1. Not show up for a couple of months and you get a letter? You sir must teach me your secret. I'm late 1 hour and get 3000 phone calls asking if I'm coming in today. Sometimes they just start talking to me as if I'm in the office already. Got a call at 7am this morning. That's my sexing time not working time. Pisses me off.
  2. 5.4 with a kenne bell. Problem solved If you want reliability, do not turbo the NA motor.
  3. I don't know why but I'm looking forward to work today. I DONT KNOW WHYYYYY!
  4. Lol which westfield? Fg? No wait, mill park? Lololol
  5. Tea toe font tv huge weed oping HFCs infuse ghetto Gregg.
  6. .,??kahahbbb sn'jhhhb?vBB!/&:&$/(-@-"29;$
  7. Was yesterday but I was waiting behind a muppet standing in the turning lane whilst the arrow was green. After some time he noticed it was green and as it turned orange he gunned it through and I got stuck at the red. Nekminit black undercover commo wagon waiting at the same intersection put lights on and chased him. Win
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