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  1. CaRtZ

    Shaft Play?

    got it off a mate, dunno its origin. not repairable? dont make bearings kits etc for them?
  2. CaRtZ

    Shaft Play?

    devistation....... contact between impellar and housing on the cold end..... suggestions?
  3. who did the work? I assume new genuine parts. plus belts arent as cheap as u would assume
  4. do u still have it serviced by a ford dealer? if so specifically request that the exhaust manifold and turbo bolts be re-tentioned. this is ment to be done at a specific service (cant remeber which one, might be 30,000) but if the customer isnt complianing of anything they wont bother with it. it could just be a bit of bearing noise from a pulley if your mate thinks its the belt
  5. CaRtZ

    Shaft Play?

    cool thanks just wanted to check make sure that I didnt get stuffed over in the 1st place
  6. CaRtZ

    Shaft Play?

    im currently cameraless on the exhaust housing 3 white dots in the form of a triangle
  7. got my hands on a shmick new 35/40 one of my mates mentioned the ammount of shaft play is troubling, I explained it has never had oil in it. but then I found 3 paint pen marks on it in the shape of a triangle, possibly signifying a faulty or repaired product so how much play is acceptable?
  8. I work at a ford dealer, havent heard of this turbo issue yet. interested to hear anything you know
  9. CaRtZ

    F6 Oil Leak

    be lucky its not an FG, they lea from the block
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