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Kelvin stephen

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  1. All I can say is that this would have to be the longest group buy I have ever know!! Still no sign of the item or any communication since March. I guess I will know for next time!!
  2. Has anybody received their eyelids? I have not received any replies to private messages for the last two weeks. Payment was made on the 22/12/10 and the last message I received was on the 2/1/11. Should I be worried yet?
  3. Count me in for a pair of FRP's plz. Thanks Kelvin
  4. I need a battery cover of some sort for a BA 2004 XR6T. I am not fussy on what sort it is but I am in Perth so they need to deliver if over east. Can't seem to find one so I must be looking in the wrong place. Thanks in Advance.
  5. Great BOV and easy to install. I found they are very hard to turn when brand new and installed with very little room to move. You may want to loosen it up before the install to make it easier to adjust. Just my 2cents worth.
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