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About timbos99

  • Birthday 09/09/1981

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  1. Thanks a lot for the replies. I'll check out the audison processor. Man it's annoying that they settle for such rubbish. They go to all the trouble of a an integrated unit with voice control and all sorts of sh*t, when a cheap aftermarket unit will trump it in sound. Car manufacturers really need to pull their heads out of their arses.
  2. Anyone else noticed that the sound is rubbish in the new model? Not sure what the cause is but it's enough that I'm hunting around for info and not finding much, may have to take it to a professional for once! No doubt speakers, amp and sound deadening will improve it. However actual source seems crap and the sync 2 head unit offers little adjustment - there is no EQ like in the FG ICC. So I think it will need more to get the the FGX sound up and running... Can anyone with more knowledge shed any light on options? Stuff like DAC's or signal processors?
  3. timbos99

    Fgx G6Et

    Traded my the black 2008 G6ET on a white 2015 black interior. Picked it up today - all shiny and smells purty... Pros it's new! So everything feels nice and tight and clean More power, as the other was getting a little long in the tooth Sync 2 is cool. Lots of stuff to play with All the roof lining is black = no marks! Cons Higher seating position - I thought the old one was high! Sync interface seems limited for car control functions. Can't change lots of things like you could in the old. Alarm beep. Can't seem to be turned off via ICC. And as
  4. Happy Birthday timbos99!

  5. Happy Birthday timbos99!

  6. Happy Birthday timbos99!

  7. Happy Birthday timbos99!

  8. ahhhh yeah - missed that reference. Just thought you loved steak! No same size - smack bang on-top of the ford badge.
  9. eh?? hogs breath... sure whatever floats your boat lots of people have put FPV badges on, which opens up its own avenue for roof rocking. I just got black badges as I have black car.
  10. Depends on the year I guess. As mine was in the first batch I've had electrical faults - haha try finding them on a 'look over'... Look for the screen to reset or flash. See if pre-set seat positions work. See if auto mirror dip works. Both these control modules have failed on mine. Creaky aircon. On a hot day on 'auto' listen for lots of noises. Slowly developed and no fix from Ford so-far. Leaky aircon - hot day feel the carpet up beside drivers foot area for dampness. Common problem and easy fix from Ford. Outside temp, known to be hit an miss. Mines been replaced several times - latest is spot on. Gearbox clunk, apparently an issue a few ZF's have had. Easy enough to find, mine is when auto shifts 2nd to 1st while under slight load, such as pulling up to drive slowly up a driveway. Could trial on a hill. Fords 'fix' was a sh*tty, slow shifting tune. There's a couple of the things I can think of...
  11. Look sh*te with nothing there - I put a different badge straight over the top. You can get some custom made easy enough.
  12. Happy Birthday timbos99!

  13. What Tab said is true but a bastardised version can be jigged up with this cable; http://cablejive.com/universal_dock_adapter.html
  14. looks good as it is. However I did see one ages ago with the grill cut out and I tossed up the idea of F6 bumper for awhile. Spoke about it here
  15. I had to use the spare on the weekend and it is a larger rolling diameter, as soon as car is started ABS and DSC fault lights came on... didn't seem right?
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