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xr6t xr6t

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About xr6t xr6t

  • Birthday 17/07/1983

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    northern beaches
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  1. Happy Birthday xr6t xr6t!

  2. Happy Birthday xr6t xr6t!

  3. Happy Birthday xr6t xr6t!

  4. Happy Birthday xr6t xr6t!

  5. 359.1 rwkw perfect family car now SOLD

  6. lol its heaps of fun and if I keep it straight it still blasts most things
  7. I had the exact problem long shot but check your battery
  8. have the standard dump and springs not sure on the cooler running 17psi pretty safely
  9. Went to cv today pulled 359.1rwkw. very happy with the result and goes pretty hard mods are: bf 2005 injectors, cat, center muffler removed, 4" intake, 12psi actuator, fuel pump and intercooler will post sheet when I can find a scanner thanks cv
  10. thanks doing all suspension work to it today anyway hopefully that fixes it thanks
  11. my car has been making that tink sound and tramping when I do a sharp left turn I have replaced the diff bush and driveshaft but its still there when the shaft came out there was a little metal shards and dark oil but still oily not muddy need some help please
  12. xr6t xr6t


    toby's estate is great
  13. sweet and I found out you can run good numbers with part of the stock system wd!!!!!!
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