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About rlquik

  • Birthday 09/08/1977

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  1. Happy Birthday rlquik!

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  2. Happy Birthday rlquik!

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  3. Happy Birthday rlquik!

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  4. Updated 04/11/12 #/State/Vehicle Information/Track/Elapsed Time/Best M.P.H 8 Second Group 1. NSW Big Dan / BA XR6 / WSID / 8.268 168.62 2. NSW Phil / TRP BA XR6 / WSID / 8.48 165 3. VIC Blagojce & Vele Trajkovski / Gtech BA XR6 Sedan / Heathcote Park / 8.71 164.3 9 Second Group 4. VIC Karman Parente/SFD079/Gtech BA XR6 Sedan Heathcote Park 9.20 153.9 5. NSW Mark Vardanega/AXR19P/CV Performance, E.T.M BF F6 Sedan W.S.I.D 9.398 149.83 6 QLD David Sheehy/775GXV/Collinsville BA XR6 Sedan Palmyra 9.433 146.38 7. VIC Adrian Abela/CLINIC/Dynomite BA F6 Sedan Heathcote Park 9.844 145.44 8. VIC Adam Hargrave/TBC812/HP-F BA XR6 Sedan Heathcote Park 9.981 144.05 9. VIC Christian Delange/RLQUIK / NIzpro BF F6 / Calder Park / 9.98 138.89 10. QLD Kent Battle/1000HP/Collinsville BA XR6 Ute Palmyra 9.992 138.48 10 Second Group 11. QLD Steven Leerentveld/YEL57/R.D.P BA XR6 Ute Willowbank 10.12 133.61 12. W.A Ben Atwil / Xtreme Ford Tuning BA XR6T Ute / Perth Motorplex / 10.212 136.15 13. VIC Dion Amato/GMKILR/Dynomite BA XR6 Ute Heathcote Park 10.222 136.49 14. Tony Locatori / Xtreme Ford Tuning BF F6 / Perth Motorplex / 10.27 138 15. VIC Danny Nagy/Headsex BA XR6 Sedan / Heathcote Park / 10.300 133.72 16. QLD Lee Dalton / 240NOT / Elite BA XR6 Ute / Willowbank / 10.31 135.15 17. QLD John McKean/JET066 / BF XR6 Forced Performance & Tuning / Willowbank / 10.31 147.01 18. NSW Spiro Anton/APF81N/CV Performance BA XR6 Sedan W.S.I.D 10.449 134.75 19. NSW Leigh Whittaker/DUZ360/CV Performance, E.T.M BA XR6 Ute W.S.I.D 10.459 132.69 20. QLD Jay Potter/Collinsville, P.R.E BA XR6 Sedan Palmyra 10.46 135.3 21. VIC Mark Hamilton/F6FORD/Autotech BF F6 Sedan Heathcote Park 10.471 137.24 22. Vic sicfpv / Allsparks / Calder Park / 10.49 133mph 23. WA Darren Boland/X.F.T BA XR6 Sedan Perth Motorplex 10.511 133.53 24. QLD The Bogan 445MCW /BA XR6 / Willowbank / 10.55 132 25. NSW CCCC Milan / CMS BA XR6T / WSID / 10.557 130 26. Qld Ben Kirk / Led Ft / Hi-Torque Xr6 Bf Ute / Benaraby Raceway / 10.566 129.310 27. QLD Roland / YUTRYN / 6boost BF F6 Sedan / Willowbank 10.57 135 28. VIC Dave Hanna/MYXRT/HP-F BA XR6 Sedan Heathcote Park 10.587 130.43 29. VIC Adam Pacula/Dynomite BA XR6 Ute Calder Park 10.619 138.49 30. Vic xr6t_ute / Headsex BA XR6T Ute / Heathcote Park / 10.63 132 31. NSW Mitch Read / DAT.40T / Blacktrack Performace BA XR6T / WSID / 10.66 128 32. NT Craig Wright / Peckys Dyno & Blacktrack Perf. BA XR6 / Hidden Valley / 10.67 128.71 33. VIC Craig Geeson/GEEA33/HP-F BA XR6 Sedan Heathcote Park 10.688 128.28 34. NSW Peter Terkikar/STD10S/CV Performance BA XR6 Sedan W.S.I.D 10.71 125 35. QLD Lee Dalton/240NOT/Elite BA XR6 Ute Willowbank 10.72 127.38 36. NSW John Elfes, George Reyahem/RBR40L/CV Performance BA XR6 Sedan W.S.I.D 10.7 37. NSW Dario/Tunehouse BF F6 Sedan W.S.I.D 10.76 134.44 38. VIC Mick/Nizpro BA XR6 Sedan Calder Park 10.80 127 39. QLD Joal Walters/Collinsville BA XR6 Ute Willowbank 10.81 126.7 40. QLD John/Collinsville BF XR6 Sedan Willowbank 10.83 129.9 41. WA Kevin Otway/X.F.T BF F6 Sedan Perth Motorplex 10.871 129 42. WA Ashley Markey/X.F.T BF Force 6 Sedan Perth Motorplex 10.879 128 43. VIC Lawrie Rowatt/HP-F BA XR6 Sedan Calder Park 10.889 126.83 44. NSW John Papoutsis/JP4666/Tunehouse BA XR6 Sedan W.S.I.D 10.88 125.5 45. VIC Justin Newbond/ZZZ747/Springy Motors BA XR6 Sedan Heathcote Park 10.896 125.66 46. VIC Maurizio Mion/RPIDF6/Autotech BF F6 Sedan Calder Park 10.899 132.31 47. NSW Vic Elfes, Stan/AU97HA/CV Performance BA XR6 Sedan W.S.I.D 10.8 48. VIC Jake Statham/WFT199/A.V.O BA XR6 Sedan Heathcote Park 10.88 126.84 49. NSW Vic Elfes, Junior/RJS240/CV Performance BA XR6 Sedan W.S.I.D 10.90 125.56 50. NSW rednose / BF XR6T / Autotech Engineering / WSID / 10.918 131.14 51. NSW Geoff Booth / HAPKDO / Autotech BA XR6 Sedan / W.S.I.D 10.933 123.88 52. WA Simon, Tom / X.F.T BF F6 Sedan Perth Motorplex / 10.94 135 53. QLD Nathan Neilson/NCN78/Collinsville BF F6 Sedan Palmyra 10.952 127.32 54. QLD David Sheehy/664HQZ/Collinsville BA XR6 Sedan Palmyra 10.952 124.64 55. WA Dean Burtoft/Monsta BF F6 Sedan Perth Motorplex 10.976 129.97 56. NSW Danny Jovcevski, Jono Colovos/FPV747/CV BA XR6 Sedan W.S.I.D 10.990 125.76 11 Second Group 57. NSW Brian Lord / Tunehouse BF F6 Sedan / W.S.I.D / 11.01 132.80 58. QLD Spiro Anton / 021LEA / 6boost, Elite BA F6 Sedan (Manual) / Willowbank / 11.04 137.13 59. VIC George S / UNF098 /Nizpro BA XR6 Sedan / Calder Park / 11.04 126 60. QLD Steven MacDonald / 80GES / Elite BA XR6 Sedan / Willowbank 11.06 124 61. QLD Paul Koutsoukis / Elite BF F6 Sedan / Willowbank / 11.109 125.80 62. VIC Heath Mckean/MYWPN/XTC BA XR6 Ute Heathcote Park 11.129 127.41 63. WA Phil Watson/X.F.T BF F6 Sedan (Manual) Perth Motorplex 11.13 126 64. NSW Jim / Tunehouse BF F6 Sedan / W.S.I.D / 11.15 129 Fixed, 9 & 10 were around the wrong way!
  5. Spotted Oscar pulled over by cops a couple of hours ago, hope nothing to serious!!!
  6. I <3 Bananas yeh Steve well done mate, it's been a long time coming, still more in it for sure, good 60ft as well!!! I stoked for you mate!!! You must be wrapped!!!!
  7. I <3 Bananas yeh Steve well done mate, it's been a long time coming, still more in it for sure, good 60ft as well!!! I stoked for you mate!!! You must be wrapped!!!!
  8. Yeh mate its going good, love having a 9sec daily, lol!!! just been flat out at work so haven't been out much, if the weathers good will probably go for a thrash next Friday night, you should come out mate??? Pm me your number, and again good luck for tomorrow!!!
  9. Nice work Steve, well done mate, good luck on Saturday, I'm sure you will smash a 9!!!
  10. Well done mate, good feeling ha!!! When I ran 10.2 it went 134mph with 430rwkw, But at the end of the day who gives a f*ck you ran a 10!!! Congrats again!!!
  11. New pb for me, 1.45 60ft on mt street radials, built ZF 6spd standard converter!
  12. Also the car still has the standard turbo, with nizrpo wastage mods and a .07 comp cover!!
  13. f*cked if I know mate, I'm in finance not mechanics, maybe possum can explain,,,
  14. Not to sure mate, I'll find out on Monday when I see them. If you want to see the car go to proslickpics.com.au and go to the car gallery!! There is a few photos on there!!!
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