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About F6_jase

  • Birthday 12/02/1969

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    Mooloolaba, QLD
  1. Happy Birthday F6_jase!

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  2. Happy Birthday F6_jase!

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  3. Happy Birthday F6_jase!

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  4. Happy Birthday F6_jase!

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  5. Happy Birthday F6_jase!

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  6. I'm a maybe, The F6 started running weird just before I left for Canada. Gotta get it in to BPS when I get home to get it checked, sent it in to ford and they recon theres nothing wrong...why does their incompetence not surprise me?
  7. yeh, was a good arvy. looking forward to using my new products and getting the F6 looking awesome, Thanks Dave!
  8. yeh let us know the details Benda, I might be interested
  9. Pretty sure lowndsy was locked up too, that's why he clipped Tander as well ( I was sitting at the 1st chicane watching and wincing) but I think a black flag was excessive and they should have left him in third where he ended up after it and he would have still been in with a chance. And I wouldn't be too worried about the telecast to O.S Tab, if you have watched the NASCAR races their stewards decisions are puzzling and the driving is far worse and rougher than our drivers considering the speeds they are doing. All in all there was some great racing though.
  10. Looked like the cruise was good...but the V8's at surfers were better! Had an awesome weekend and even got to heckle Capn Bligh as she was driven around the track and saw so many hot chicks that my eyes were nearly bleeding.
  11. And cheap too so iv'e heard Rancid Put me down as a starter too Trent and I am up for it whenever the majority of people want to do it.
  12. More manufacturers would be great I think and if the V8's get as much support as they did on the weekend then they will live on. Surfers might not be the best for overtaking but it provides the spectators with lots of action and great views of the track, and more people = more money and more sponsorship $$ for the sport. Eventually supercars are going to have to evolve again, they have gone through a few transformations through the years and I don't think any of them have hurt the racing. And yes rules change, the biggest to handicap the GTR nissans back in the day. If it does go to a uniform chassis design or engine it will just make it easier for other manufacturers to join so it cant be bad and lets face it there isnt much on the cars now that is on the road cars except panel shape. Anyways if its motor racing I will still love and support it and if it has a blue oval on the front as it crosses the finish line first even better
  13. I went to surfers to support the V8's, not just sit on the forums winging about how crap the racing is now and it was an awesome weekend. I suport the blue oval and I think Lowndes deserved some sort of penalty for the sh*t he caused in the first chicane and dont know why everyone is whining as winterbottom in his FPR drove his ass of and won the last race and was the standout of the weekend I thought. didn't like the way wincup ended the race for two cars with his overtaking...expected a little more from him, but on a whole it was a great weekend of racing even from the aussie cars and the formula fords and the sound of the legends cars was awesome.
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