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  1. AHHH, ill keep an eye out... yeah that guy with the xr8 and shaker is in the same street my cousin lives there... owned a 360rwkw VL TURBo... was in street comodores, sold it 1year ago though... t77 garret turbo I think it was
  2. wow, didnt realise there a few blokes from wenty... blue xr6 turbo... never seen it mate.. though I always see a xr8 blue one iwth a shaker and chrome wheels parked in a side st on great western going towards parra/mayshill..... near bp station..... anyone out weest willing to take me for a drive in a boosted falcon , still havnt been in one :D
  3. looks can be decieving my friend
  4. oh sorry guys, thought I would be first to post it I got beaten :(
  5. http://www.caradvice.com.au/22434/2009-vau...hurst-editions/ can hsv get anymore retarted ? that is a pure performer, absolutely trumps the w427 and def affects the unique'NESS of the w427 all for 100k, im impressed... to bad they call it bathurst and send it overseas LOL ?
  6. wow that's an amazing result, post a 1/4 asap !
  7. oh man... I wanna come :( oh well, few more years till my boosted fed 6 arrives lol make sure plenty of pics and videos are taken
  8. your name is really familiar... what car do you drive/own ????? I think I have seen you around
  9. im from wentworthville/parramatta though I dont own a boost fed 6, actually I dont own a car yet LOL ( im only 18)
  10. PARRAMATTA, church st monday nite, a lime green f6 typhoon. drove over the crossing/hump windows down... seeing as I love TYPHOONS, I said " mate give it !! " he laughed and said I cant theres a car infront... so he stoppped waited for the car infront to get ahead, pretty sure it was an auto, just planted it ta ta tahhhhhh smoke show, car went sideways into the oncoming lane, corrected it and took off.. was absolutely AMAZING... LOL... number plates were xrqtr something like that.... anyone here ?
  11. any idea on what sorta mods the guy has.... sounds like its got work done to it, goes through church st parramatta, and all you hear is boost and the tyres schreeching, sounds unreal
  12. anyhsv

    Horror Story

    OMG WTF just read it, I would have shot the guy ! wtf poor guy !
  13. http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/10/12/business/12auto.php b1g news if this goes through
  14. falcon this falcon that, pretty sure he wouldnt have said Late model camira this Late model camira that when they raced the r8
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