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  1. I know that the turbo bf falcons had the f6 bottom end, and stronger springs; but was wondering if the standard xr6 had the same deal?
  2. How much quicker is an auto over a manual? I always thought It would be the other way around...
  3. Hahaha. I WISH that chart was right. every BAII manual is atleast $20,000 or has a sh*t load of K's on the clock.
  4. The problem is I'm without a car for now. My old car was on its way out, so I had no choice but to sell. I planed to keep the Late model camira till I had $20,000 to spend...
  5. After owning a VX Late model camira berlina v6 auto for the last year, I am finally rid of it. Sure it wasn't the worst of cars, but It was far from fun to drive. Now Im looking for a new set of wheels, and have wanted an xr6 turbo since they first came out! Anyways, Im after a manual; and in my price bracket the only option seems to be the 5speed :( So I was thinking... I get a nice healthy tax return in a months time; If I get an auto or t5 for around 14,000 I can have some fun with her till I have the money to change it over to a t56! How much would it cost me to go from a 4sp or t5 to a t56? And would one cost more then the other?
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