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  • Birthday 22/09/1909

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  1. I can understand the solinoids being ruined. But the valvebody I think would be able to be opened up cleaned out and rebuilt. And the tcm should be a sealed unit I would think. Im wanting to buy another box and basically just transfer the tcm from my milkshaked box into the new one so that it will link back up with the rest of the car and run.
  2. Yeah the mechatronics is the valve body and tcm as one unit. Im wondering if I can remove the tcm from the milkshaked valvebody and put it into another trans?
  3. Can anyone here tell me if the TCM from a zf that has the milkshake is ruined? I know the rest of the box and valvebody is contaminated But the TCM should be a sealed unit as its submerged in hot fluid all the time. Anyone know?
  4. Im still on the zf build lol. Peppy did you have the 2-1 downshift bump before you built the box?
  5. Here is some good info on rebuilding them. http://5series.net/forums/e60-discussion-2/rebuilding-6hp26-trans-soon-550i-133421/ http://www.scribd.com/doc/20322431/Repair-Manual http://www.rangerovers.net/forum/6-range-rover-mark-iii-l322/44034-zf-6hp26-teardown.html http://www.thectsc.com/catalog/6hp26/28/32-8.html
  6. Awesome thread and an awesome build! Back to the zf solinoids did you need to reflash the tcm before driving it or just left it the way it was?
  7. Yeah it seems to fix alot of the issues with these transmissions and it is pretty simple to install. From what I can gather its caused by loss of fluid preassure due to valves that are not sealing very well in the valve body. Im going to do a gulf western fluid change along with the zip kit,solinoids,new seperator plate for the valve body,pan,filter and a new heat exchange. Im not sure yet if ill need some programming done for the new solinoids.
  8. Has anyone here tried the sonnax zip kit and changing solinoids on the mechatronics unit in the zf6hp26 for the zf lurch otherwise known as the 2-1 downshift clunk? Ive been reading on the bmw rangerover and jag forums that they are having success with doing these fixes.
  9. What are the standard f6 injectors good to?
  10. So is everyone still happy with the GW?
  11. Im wanting to get my fg f6 to around 330 340 rwkw with minimal mods. Want to keep it as stock looking as possible to the point of keeping factory airbox, crossover and exhaust. Ill cut a hole in front of airbox and maybe gut the cat. What else would I need to get me there?
  12. Did you get this problem sorted? I have the exact same issue.
  13. What dealer did you go to if you dont mind?
  14. Good to hear. Ill have to get mine booked in.
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