It's not the fuel I'm looking to save money on, it's the finance repayments. I should save at least $200 - $300 a month on the finance repayments, also in my particular situation I should save quite a bit on fuel coz I don't live too far from work and the T never gets off the warm up cycle. I'm lucky to get 400k out of a tank around town. I'll get back into a T down the track, but at the moment the repayments are killing me. Also looking at doing a bit more camping from now on so a ute will be good. I'll b talking to my bro-in law who owns a cruiser and knows anything that's worth knowing about them. In any case nothing will probably happen until after easter, I'm doing the research at the moment before I make the final decision on what to get. Yeah once I get everything sorted wouldn't mind having a play in the mud and christen the new beast.