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About timmy

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    Massive Tool

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  1. ^^ sorry it was me, thought it would be a turbo upgrade not a giant vibrating butt plug!
  2. Watch your dogs fellas! http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/aston-martin-dog-chews-through-3111868
  3. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/electronic-cigarette-explodes-in-mans-mouth-causes-serious-injuries/ Sorry.....
  4. Freeze = non Aussie cause everyone knows a true Aussie pizza is Hawaiian!
  5. What's black and sexually aroused right now? All of Justin Beiber's potential future cellmates.
  6. What's the difference between Paul Walker and Justin Bieber ? <br /> <br />The stupid fcking Miami Police.
  7. ^^iPhone and tapatalk Sig.... Baaaaaaaaaaa
  8. A team of four women astronauts have set off on a mission to Mars. When asked why the mission was women only NASA replied: <br /> <br /> "Well the men will want it clean when they get there won't they."
  9. Just watched a guy get a beer with ice and a scotch and milk?
  10. They do say to do the things you enjoy, so I reckon you would make a killing
  11. Lol Kimbo you should start a business doing that and maybe call it thunder jack?
  12. Dunno if you can do that tab I think he's a vegan dog.
  13. Looks like I will be in the cairns Qantas lounge for a bit this arvo, if anyone wants to help ease the pain let me know
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