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Everything posted by 4ced_2far

  1. Happy Birthday 4ced_2far!

  2. Scotty If your not in a hurry you can use my work shop I have all the tools you need including a hoist.I have done all the mods to my ute in here and can give you a hand as well. Its in the back of my shop. Not available just yet as its full of stock for summer. Should be clear around November though. Im brad with the white f6 with dark agents you met me a Brett's when you had an VTC Sensor problem. Cheers Brad
  3. one more heli flyer here. I've got a Predator gasser carbon, trex 450 se, Air skipper 50 and a trex 600 nitro. Haven't flown them since no. 2 kid arrived on the seen. All this heli talk made me think of them may charge the batts and spark em up
  4. that's all I do to works every time
  5. These Guys did mine no problems at all.http://maps.google.com.au/maps/place?hl=en&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=cbd+locksmith+perth&fb=1&gl=au&hq=cbd+locksmith&hnear=Perth+WA&cid=15488301779177944436 They just cant program it for you. cost $28.00 to cut. Cheers Brad
  6. Hi Mate Give this place a try Linear Actuators, Linear Motors - Firgelli Automations Australia this is where im getting all my lifting gear from to automate the hard lid. Cheers Brad
  7. Well Done Ross and Rob Saw your ute at MTE On Friday what a beast sounds awsome on gate
  8. Got the braiding and fittings from all flex industries in Maddington will look up there number for ya. Yep underside of the garnish uses the original N/a Garnish.
  9. Sleeves easy to fit yes you can get Silver ones. Cost for good quality S/S Baird was around 500-600 from memory inc. Fittings. Yeah I made the Carbon stuff my self. Stay Tuned there is more Carbon bits to come!
  10. Wow up in the hills it was just an average rany arvo not much wind and a bit of rain. All over in 20 min or so. Hows ya pool D need me to come over and get the garden out?
  11. Im using an Alpine PXE-H660 Line converter uses speaker inputs then converts them to rca out. Run an Alpine 5 CH Amp to hurtz Speakers and 1 hurts 12'' Sub Sound is great and retains the factory head unit. Alpine Electronics of America, Inc. Hope this helps
  12. I was under the impression that the Turbos used a 2 pice tail shaft and n/a one piece could be wrong though.
  13. but it 2 3 seconds you slow to the limit and the jammer shuts off and the cops get your speed there happy im happy newver been stoped yet.
  14. Dsi stinger is the best in the business not cheap. I can detect multi novas at around 700m to 1.2k away. Also have bell rx75+ for the laser jamers all outher bands off. Dsi stinger is totaly radar detector detector immune. www.stinger.com/index.php?sec=index&lang=en www.beltronics.com/store/rx75-remote.html Hope this helps.
  15. Sure Do Unit 1/38 Russell Street Morley 92751333 Black Mac Performance
  16. Same RRP As Pole position. There a pp distributor.
  17. Thanks guys. ended up getting the bling stuf from Black max Preformance in Morley. Good stuff D. there a great machine!
  18. Cheers mate but I would like to pay cash to keep the misses in the dark
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