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About Ace

  • Birthday 15/02/1984

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    Mt Alford, Queensland
  • Member Title
    blind leading the blind

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  1. Pulled sub and amp out ready to trade it on friday
  2. People will call me crazy but I'm thinking a ba- bf turbo and strip it out. Not sure if I am gonna buy a write off or just get a cheap one and work up from there
  3. Thinking of buying a project car next year. We will see how that goes though
  4. New car is a diesel too :sadface:
  5. Sleeping through my alarm. Running late so have to cut poo time down Oh and having to trade my ute on a family car
  6. Bens engine bay is awesome. Photos don't do it justice has to be seen in real life to fully appreciate it
  7. Massive scores coming out of India. Makes for exciting watching
  8. I believe it's a hole dags in more than just the water way
  9. Just saw the car on a tilt tray it was shorter than a smart car. Farking huge shunt
  10. Good work looks like you'll be having fun
  11. ^^^^^^^this guy has no idea. That race was a 1000km sprint race. Some of the closest racing I have seen in ages
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