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Everything posted by phantomxr6turbo

  1. Happy Birthday phantomxr6turbo!

  2. Happy Birthday phantomxr6turbo!

  3. Well ford were right! my new diff came in and got it fitted yesturday and the cruise control works in all gears now and I am more than happy with the car, it feels alot better down low and seems to have more get up and go. so thanks for all your help now I can start modding the beast now
  4. Just an update about my car, I took it in for the 3000km and they had the car there for 4 days trying to find a fix for the cruise control with not much luck. they finally gave me a call about a fix and they said from the production line they have put a 3.45:1 diff ratio instead of the 3.73:1 diff in so they have a new one on order and have it fixed in a few weeks. but I was just thinking if that the NA xr6 diff it wouldn't have LSD but mine feels like it does so I it still doesn't sound right oh well see what happens.
  5. yeah I have made sure that I havent got any of the pedals on and still doesn't work and I have noticed that it keeps deactivating by its self when in 6th gear more so when I am going down hill, but all good goes into service soon and I will let you know what they say thanks all
  6. thanks baboon pretty much what I wanting to hear, hopefully should be a quick and easy for them to fix. thanks
  7. Hi All, I have upgraded from a 2003 BA xr6t sedan 5 speed to a 2011 FG xr6t 6 speed manuel ute and love it I can't belive the differents in power and feel on the road Anywho I am just about to go for my 3000km service and so I don't look like an idiot just need to know two things. first I have noticed that the cruise control doesn't work in any other gear but 6th, my old car it would work in all gears as long as your doing 40+ kms so if anyone has a manuel it would be good to know if it works in other gears so I can tell them without them saying its normal and this is a little left field so don't flame me I have noticed that when I come to a halt there is a knocking sound at the back. sounds and probably is the fuel moving in the fuel tank (it stops after 5-10 sec) but I have never heard it in any other cars I been in so doesn't that sound normal or do you think maybe a baffle in the tank is missing. thanks Ian here a pic of my new ute stock as a rock but the mods will start soon.
  8. "Am I the only one that thinks that ford badge on the back is over sized?" I thought the fpv's get a fpv badge not a ford badge????????????
  9. when are you looking to take it of the inspections? and do you want the whole four tyres or just one?
  10. thanks mate, I might be able to sleep tonight.
  11. hey guys, sorry for a off topic just trying to settle a small debate about the series with a friend and thought you guys may help. my friend is saying there is 3 different series of BA before MK2 , Is This right??? cause I always thought it went BA, BAmk11 then BF, sorry about silly question just like to know...
  12. hey guys, sorry if this has been said and done but heard that for is going twin turbo after they get their new v6 engines in 2010. so I had a look on the net and found this web site and sounds pretty good, hope it happens I will be getting one. www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,22133365-5012441,00.html
  13. well done adam, that's one quick T you got there!!!!! top stuff
  14. cool mate, I will keep in eye out for ya, I live in gordon...
  15. here is the map of the petrol station, hope it works, sorry file is so big, I didn't know how to make it smaller meetplace.bmp
  16. hey guys, I was just wondering if XR8's will be welcome as well?????, just thinking of inviting some XR8 guys as well
  17. yeah I have raced a few gto's, clubsports, monaros and have won them all, its the best feeling. mine is dead stock.. still struggleing with the GTR but phase 2 will probable fix that :lol:
  18. I painted mine purple I think it looks good. I would like to see silver though.. sorry pic not to clear
  19. yeah that's pretty much what ford said! it is illegal to make two two stickers for the same car even if u give back the old one... so it looks like my baby is going to have a letter of compliance bit of paper in the glove box for the rest of its life
  20. hey guys, I got my car back from the panel beaters and I just noticed the build date sticker in the engine bay has got "VOID" written all over it, so I rang the panel beater and he said when he was cleaning the engine bay with the high pressure hose half the sticker came off(I don't know if that really happened). I got told by my local ford dealer to ring ford in melbourne and they said they can not make another sticker... they are going to send me down a cirtificate(spelling) of ownership and has to stay with the car the whole time.. so just a warning to all of you be careful when cleaning under hood
  21. Congratulations, mate you sound like me when I first got my car great fun huh
  22. ohh and I just started warming up my car :lol: .. cool cant wait
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