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  1. DaRKy

    Want To Buy.!

    no real trouble from cops when I had my xr6t in NSW on my green's. ocassional thing here and there but generally no worries at all
  2. I'm a p plater in nsw with a xr6t, never had a problem with cops. apart from one night parked at a servo with 3 other xr's the cops questioned what we were doing. but I don't seem to attract any attention in the car. maybe because its silver it just blends in with the other traffic and is stock
  3. DaRKy

    Nasho Run 6th Oct

    yeah was a great night, yeh definatley no cops near that roundabout was good fun, sorry for being late
  4. yeh the chick fight was definatley a highlight, drive out to la perouse was good. as well as listening to dboss and the rest on the CB's
  5. ok I live in the shire, caringbah to be exact. where abouts can I get the 10% ethanol stuff, that's boost98 correct ?? any servos in the area that have it ?
  6. ok I've been at it all day and cannot manage to get wires thru those front doors ... pulled off heaps of crap, inside I can't even get to the plug cause of the sound deadening. how on earth do u do it
  7. DaRKy

    Dba 4000 Rotors

    got the dba4000's and rb74's, only thing is now the squeeking breaks, its sh*tting me to tears, they squeak when your not braking. I tried some antisqeak thing on the rotor didn't do anything, any suggestions ? brakes are awesome, stop brilliantly. shudders gone but they still fade easily enough
  8. DaRKy

    Dba 4000 Rotors

    hello, I have BAmk1 stock brakes on my xr6t, gonna upgrade to dba 4000's and rb74 pads. I have been reading thru old threads and I read about people getting dba 4000's for $130 ??. the cheapest I can find is 175. where do you guys get the dba 4000's from ?? cheers, andrew
  9. hey guys got a BA auto xr6t, wheres the best place to run power wire thru the firewall to install a amp, had a look today couldn't find anywhere cheers
  10. strange just went for another drive up the road and its back to normal, before every time I accelerated and backed off was getting really loud flutter, now nothing :S
  11. hey guys, I have a totally stock 2003 auto xr6t recently I have noticed when I accererate and back off I can hear alot of turbo flutter, is this normal? I was under the impression you basically wouldn't hear anything in a stocker. should I be taking it to ford to sus out or is it normal?
  12. hey guys, bought a 2003 xr6t second hand recently, 40000km's. hand the usual issues, brake shudder, handbrake doesn't work so I took it in for warranty. handbrake was adjusted cost me $45, only took 3 clicks to hold the car. discs machined and the new pad was fitted to permenant fix the brakes. since then I've done about 500km the handbrake now takes about 6-7 clicks to work and at slow speeds I can hear a scraping sound on the discs. slowing down from 100 to say 70km/h I can feel shudder yet again. is it normal for the handbrake to screw up that quickly ? if I take it back to ford are they going to charge me another $45 ? I was under the impression the new pads fixed the braking problems ? anything ican do to fix it without forking out for PBR brakes ? cheers for the help
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