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Everything posted by 4SinAir

  1. orderd my new plates hopefully get them soon they are "4CNAIR" slim line ones
  2. ive got a 3 piece hardcover including the alloy bar finished off in EGO good condition PM me if interested
  3. 4SinAir

    Bf Hardlid

    I also have one of those 3 piece ones in the ego colour
  4. I dont know exactly how much they are brand new but ill Check a shop out n tell you of course it aint gona bethe same price but Would be good to get around the mark of say a voltage cobalt gauge. Ill keep u posted
  5. Dont realli want oil pressure so if anyone wants to swap I have a brand new oil pressure gauge nevr used in box Swap for anything other than oil pressure in the cobalt range
  6. spoted white xr6t sedan no spoiler custom plates couldnt catch em it was dumpd an had a little play with him I was in ego xr6t with dark argents
  7. oh dose it ULEH!!, look at the marks u left BROO!!!
  8. I like that IT GOES one that's mint, im gettin 4SINA1R this week
  9. the ute hasnt been lowered so im gettin new tyres an wheel allighment an hopefully solves the problems coz the on it now are stuffed
  10. I put these on a while ago an now have notice the front inside of the tyre both sides is worn down to the sh*thouse looks like its rubbin up against the top wishbone if that's wat it is. Is this just a wheel allighment or have I got the wheels the wrong way like front on the back visa-versa coz gtp wheels have diff off sets??
  11. that orange xrt is on bags that's not how low it drives
  12. wat do you think about just putting one canon on the end an with them standard hotdogs just before the canon RAPID? cheers
  13. mayb some of the other ppl were stingey an just lookd at mates maps??
  14. yer!! do you think having them hotdogs an muffler would change it? I have a ute so its the twin 2 1/2 inch or wat ever it is standard
  15. I know sounds like a stupid idea but I wanna know if any one has done it, dont go crazy at me as this is the only way I could find out get the centre muffler removed as well as the rear but keep the hotdogs that are before the rear muffler an put a milo tin on it? got no mods to my car as I just wont a nice beefy note
  16. im lookin at gettn the "BI xenon H4 hi/lo" kits off ebay the 8000k ones I was just wondering how much of a pain are these to fit if they got high an low beam in the same globe?
  17. so its not to bad just a bit of stuffin around for fitment I might grab it an c how it goes
  18. im not chasing alot of power just the capa flash tune running on 10psi nothing else so I think it might do the job for now
  19. hay guys im gettn a flash tune to 10 pound no fuel pump n injectors but at the same time was lookin at this cooler to put on at the same time as the tune What do use think of it? would it be ok for what im doin? cheers fellas http://cgi.ebay.com.au/HDI-INTERCOOLER-KIT...A1%7C240%3A1318
  20. my mate has a capa flash tuner an is tuned for his car for 10psi I was curious if I could use the same flash box for my car but go get a tuner to put it into my car? if so would the tune still work on his car if I was to get it put on mine?
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