Well work was quiet for a week so I had a week off, so I decided to install my triple gauge holder from OZE gauges I was going to be running in the triple holder Water temp (electric),oil pressure (electric) an boost (mechanical) but when wiring gauges up soon found out that the mechanical boost wouldnt fit in the gauge cup holders because of the brass nut on the back of the gauge that holds the vaccum line. so I was at a point where I was stuck didnt now what to do with the boost gauge so went an bought another gauge a voltmeter nice an easy to hook up an electric that solved my problem of the triple gauge holder then I got this idea of having the boost on the pillar not many people will like I dont think cause looks to rice spec but the end product looks pretty good, let us know your thoughts? I bought a single gauge pod holder for the pillar glued it to the pillar, bogged it smoothe, high fill primer the whole pillar, rubbed back in 400 an sprayed both the pillars in the same colour as the car EGO