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About jenna

  • Birthday 10/06/1978

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  1. Happy Birthday jenna!

  2. Happy Birthday jenna!

  3. Happy Birthday jenna!

  4. Happy Birthday jenna!

  5. jenna

    Central Qld

    http://www.carsales.com.au/used-cars/deale...ns&__Nne=20 im going to go look at this one this week thanks david
  6. jenna

    New One

    its just too damn hard to deside....
  7. jenna

    New One

    grrrr its to hard to decide. I like them all. gee thanks guys im just going to have to do my shopping and test driving them all. ohh what ever floats ya boat tigwelder
  8. jenna

    New One

    im liking the new seduce or nitro. that's if I go a new car. but I do like the 02 03 models
  9. jenna

    Central Qld

    hi im a new one here. my names jenna im from mackay. I dont have a XR6 turbo as of yet but am wanting one real bad. when I find the right one. so if anyone wants to chat and can tell me what I should and not get that would be great
  10. jenna

    New One

    hi im a new one here. my names jenna im from mackay. I dont have a XR6 turbo as of yet but am wanting one real bad. when I find the right one. so if anyone wants to chat and can tell me what I should and not get that would be great
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