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  1. It was nice to catch up with all you. It has been way too long. Thank you Gary for organising the event. Snowys has always been the most memorable. Stan and I eventually got back into Sydney around 10:00pm. We had to make many stops as he was not feeling too well. Lol. Junior
  2. Ok I will be at Mt Annan Shell 11:30am. See you guys there.
  3. For the NSW guys meeting up in Mount Annan. What time should I get there?
  4. OK Im in. All booked and ready to go.
  5. Sweet thanks guys. Well I will lock it in. Turbosmart Dualport it is. Thanks once again.
  6. Pretty much the loud sound from a Supersonic, I am unsure if the Dualport can produce the same sound. But I also have to consider which one will fit snuggly like the stock Bosch setup.
  7. Cheers for that mate but I think that part number is the Dual port series????
  8. Yep done that, checked it out but does not mention specific BOVs for the FG. Unless I am looking at somewhere different???
  9. Hi, Can any one tell me the part number for this BOV so I can install it in my FG. I also wonder if the Kompact Supersonic would fit on te FG??? Thanks in advance.
  10. A big special thanks to Cro for an awesome day, it has been awhile since we had a decent mapped out cruise. Also thanks to the group, it was great driving with you all and also with the fun challenges of clear sky, rain, ice and abit of snow. All in one day. Bring on the next one, Im definately in.
  11. Well I must say that the 19's were struggling and hanging for dear life. Had crappy rubbers. Could definately do with better brakes and stiffer suspension, HOWEVER......For a complete stock car I am very impressed, mostly throughout the day relatively taking an easy with a few hot laps in between, the car held its ground quite well even when playing with a few other cars on the track ie. R34 GTR, RX8 and the 2004 WRX Sti. The power delivery of this thing was brutal and even chirping the tyres in 3rd gear when on the throttle. A good way to break her in I must say. A guestimate time on the track I would say high 1:14's. Not bad for a stocker.
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