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Everything posted by Pretzel

  1. The setup in mine does heaps of things.... So yes it's developed further, but not much 'real' interest in the product when I did ask... Pretzel
  2. No, they aren't just able to be taken off, turned around, and bolted back down. The holes don't line up. It is possible to turn the centre section, although it requires cutting, welding, filling gaps, die grinding etc.... It's time consuming though, and not worth the hassle when there are off the shelf ones available.
  3. Pretzel

    Basic Mods

    Sort of.... The compression of the air causes heat (A byproduct) that the intercooler is then trying to bring back down to ambient (By heat transfer to the air around it) Heat soak happens when the amount of heat the cooler can continuously dissipate is less than what it takes from the compressed air.... then the cooler heats up and is almost useless until it substantially cools down again...
  4. I think you'll find the Wog was being sarcastic about the 270rwkw..... Especially considering he didn't bring it up.... You do know what sarcasm is ? 300+ is also definately possible(And has been seen by others), but of course you won't believe that !
  5. I think you might find he means the weight of the clutch itself is heavy... The lighter the rotating bits are, the quicker they spin up !
  6. Pretzel


    Hey I copped sh*t over it......
  7. Pretzel


    But how can people be so happy..... What he is doing is not possible.... He is sucking you all in..... You can't get that much power with: Standard Injectors..... Standard Valve springs...... Standard Fuel Pump...... Standard Exhaust....... You are all fools !!! Or.... Is that all the doubters of the wog are now being proven as fools !!
  8. Pretzel

    Bathurst 1000

    Reckon a stock XR6T or SS could lap bathurst for 8 hours at flat chat? That'd be one hell of a durability test...great for associated manufacturers credibility Lumpy <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No problem..... after the first half a dozen laps, the brake shudder would be that bad you would have to cruise around for the rest of the race......
  9. Pretzel

    Bathurst 1000

    I agree Make them race them as they come. Like it used to be, drive to the track, change tyres, go racing for the day, drive home if nothing went wrong !
  10. Pretzel

    Bathurst 1000

    Do you really think those vehicles are 'off the showroom floor' ? I can tell you they are not, and the racing is butchered to make it close !! I was involved in that category a few years ago (When it was still Procar), with a car that got more and more restrictions (Read weight added, and rev limit reduced) until the other cars in the class became competative ! There was no point in pushing the car to only be more and more slowed down !
  11. Geez.... I'd be a bit careful making comments like that with the wog makig a visit !!!
  12. Pretzel

    Fist Saturday

    Hey Macka, You know they will say that the dyno reads high don't you ?
  13. umm youre contradicting yourself there. Isnt the front as simple as removing the strut, compress the spring, unscrew top mounting plate, take off spring, compress new spring (with spring compressor clamps) and put on, screw the top plate back on, take off spring compressors and put strut back in. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There's no contradiction as far as I can see There is the two parts, the spring and the strut..... Earlier falcons struts expanded to maximum when unbolted, the BA's struts when unbolted shrink (Pull in to minimum length) making the requirement to compress the springs a lot further to get the top back on. But whatever..... as long as you have spring compressors you will work it out !
  14. The front is the problem, the strut/shock works in reverse to normal, remove it and it compresses (Not expands) so you need to be able to compress the front springs to get the top back on ! Otherwise you'll be in trouble !
  15. Thanks Matt, This is a smaller footprint than what I was currently using, I'll look into pricing. Pretzel
  16. No, sorry, I got tied up with some other things, but will get back to this soon hopefully.
  17. Yes, thanks Macka. I did look into it, and have had an offer to borrow one for development. Just need to organise to get it ! Not sure if it is exactly the same one though at this stage. Pretzel
  18. What makes you think this isn't one of his toys anyway ?
  19. Pretzel


    Why not look at the EMS, there are a number of them running in XR6T's, and especially if you do throttle manually, this would be the perfect option...
  20. It's being developed in the background, Once something is more ready for public consumption, you'll hear some more !
  21. Pretzel

    Tyre Wear

    Good theory....... Except it's the inside right rear that's wearing........ Time for another beer or two !
  22. Pretzel

    Tyre Wear

    Geea, In theory a tyre should wear evenly, but you must have too much negative camber on the rear (Good for cornering hard, not for tyre wear) This could be just an out of adjustment (I believe there is sone adjustment in the rear), Could have been adjusted to give the wheel clearance at the top to the guard because of the width (Not likely I would imagine), this will probably happen as the car squats under acceleration anyhow, so even if adjusted properly, you may not get rid of it ! I'd swing past a good tyre place, as they will be able to have a look for you ! Pretzel
  23. I had thought about that, but the problem is the footprint you end up with... I am aiming at it not taking up any 'passenger' space in the car, which makes it hard with the older sytle boards. At this stage if I go with the option I am thinking it will fit in the dash, and have a DVD slot much like the CD one, just below the ICC (In the tissue holder) But once we work out exactly what we need (For only gauges not a great deal of processing, but for DVD much higher to have good quality playback etc..) I'll be able to better see about older bits. In any case the bit to interface it to the display is a couple of hundred..... So I doubt the solution can be anywhere close to that ! Thanks for the offer, I may take you up on it ! Pretzel
  24. John, Thanks for the link, I'll look into that too. Currlently the physical display used is the in dash LCD in the car, and I am using a laptop to drive it whilst testing and sorting it all out ! Pretzel
  25. Thanks Macka, I'll look into this tool, and see if it can be the interface into the ECU I use. Pretzel
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