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genebaby last won the day on August 2 2023

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About genebaby

  • Birthday 22/09/1973

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    Abuser of Charvels

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  1. No worries, check out the events roster and see if your can make one too.
  2. You really should! The club meeting is tonight!
  3. My old girl is still going. This pic was at a winery the Ford Performance Club of ACT went to for lunch last Sunday. The weekend before we were at Sydney All Ford Day with the club as well.
  4. Oh, and forget my small interaction with Kayhan, I have found the Ford Forums thread where a lot of stuff went bad and they could not get a hold of him. Seems related to issues with the FG cars rather than B Series? I guess, for how advanced they were when they came out, they are pretty basic by todays standards, they were just the first canbus Falcons.
  5. Yes, that will be the way, but the current Kayhan unit is not quite there yet.
  6. I've had colour screen parrots in my car since 2004 and a few years ago I upgraded to the still current version, the 9200, as it did give me more input options via the AUX such as audio from the phone, and even an SD card, that I never used. My first was V2 and I decided to upgrade to a V3, which I think does do that thing with the controls that I'm sure the V2 didn't do, in that you can't use them when the unit is playing music, something I discovered on the way home, so it must be normal. I also think V3 maybe sounds worse through the AUX, so I'm looking to abandon it and I suggest you don't worry about the AUX, it's never been a great sound source from day one in the Falcon, at least the B series cars. I haven't heard too much about the newer V2 Kayhan unit, but specs wise it seems a lot better. I did get a taste of their customer service though as I sent a message about features like wireless Android Auto and wireless charging and got bombarded with spam about the product, things I already knew, and kept being told that bluetooth is wireless, it can do wireless. Well, wecome to the early 2000's Kayhan, you have Bluetooth, and it's wireless, in your unit. How proud they must be. I figured a V3 with integrated wireless Carplay and Android Auto and to use the little cubby hole as a wireless charge bay were good ideas, but apparently not, they fell on deaf, spamming ears. On the whole I like the V2 unit, but it's about to be 2021 and the feature set is no there, especially for a unit running aftermarket Android, they are the easiest to get wireless Android Auto running on. Otherwise I like the fact that all my music will be routed through the proper audio channels, not the AUX. So it's been a while since your post, so maybe the V2 is up your alley? It seems expensive, but the MKi9200 Parrot unit is pretty damn expensive these days, those things have gone up since I bought the first one. I don't drive the car much anymore, but I would like to update it as my daily has all the new tech and I do like it. So I'll keep on looking.
  7. Happy Birthday genebaby!

  8. Happy Birthday genebaby!

  9. Happy Birthday genebaby!

  10. Happy Birthday genebaby!

  11. It was Scott's son that passed away. I replaced my Ozegauges with Defi.
  12. The XS7000 is what you want to charge am Optima. I researched and bought one after getting a yellow top and it's meant to me on snowflake mode for Optimas.
  13. Yes, better pads and rotors will always be a benefit with the PBR brakes. Add braided lines and its a great setup for the street.
  14. Sorry, I may have worded it badly, the issue is cosmetic on one caliper, the red part does not look as nice as when I drove it on for the swap over. The rotors are fine.
  15. Hi MiKa, I don't really want to post it all out, it's way heavy, as you would know. I was thinking $500 for the lot for a local buyer? They've just kinda been sitting there. I was bummed one got the brake fluid on it, it doesn't look as good as the other.
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